I'm pretty sure

Meru21 November 11, 2020 1:07 pm

The next few chapters will play out like this (I don't actually know. I haven't read raws or seen spoilers; I'm just guessing): TK is gonna take Haesoo into a private room because he's crying. Joowon is going to follow, having walked around the exhibit getting more and more depressed and numb by the picture. Haesoo is going to say to TK something along the lines of, "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking of you at all in these pictures! The whole time I was thinking of Joowon!" Joowon is going to stomp over, grab Haesoo and try to take him away. TK is gonna have the other arm and Joowon is going to say, "You heard what he said. It was me he was thinking of while making all those faces." TK is going to probably sigh and say something heartbreaking like, "I know, but part of me was hoping that that smile was for me." He's gonna smile all sad, Haesoo will apologize and let go of TK's hand and get dragged away. Joowon will take him to the closest place for privacy (car, hotel, dark alley, etc) and blurt out his feelings and demand Haesoo tells him how he feels. Either they will get together and have hot steamy sex (please!), or Haesoo will say they can't fix something so broken and leave it at that. But not before mister sneak with the black hair snaps a scandalous looking photo of them. That will bring that actor scum's plot to a head and the story will end at chpt 100. With maybe an epilogue chapter or three. Thats my guess.
