anyway, i hate hentai

sunnies November 11, 2020 1:13 am

the fact that this garbage is rated as 7 on MAL (it shouldn't have a single good rating at all) and the fact that this is on a lot of people's reading list for being a "good" hentai is absolutely disgusting. the fact that people get off to this is beyond me. THIS is why the hentai industry is beyond scum and literal hell, works like these shouldn't be monetized. works like these shouldn't even have a market to cater to. the most fucked up thing here is not even the story itself, but the fact that this is targeted at a specific audience. there are real people out there who finds this all of this - rape, incest, drugging, abuse, and etc. arousing and sexy. the fact that people just widely memes this type of hentai or straight up just tolerates it is more than enough to make me puke. the hentai industry is vile and this is one of the many, many times where it shows how shitty itself in full length. i only read this to see how bad it was and to reaffirm my absolute loathing for hentai and as usual, my opinion stays the same.

    Keydior__ November 13, 2020 5:56 am

    Deadass like this story is so fucked up