Am I the only one who doesn't hate Eren. Likeninsee where he's coming from. Yes innocent p...

HEART_LESS_101 November 10, 2020 9:46 pm

Am I the only one who doesn't hate Eren. Likeninsee where he's coming from. Yes innocent people are being killed, but what about those who were from the island, what about the Scouts that the other titians killed. I'm sure if those innocent people survive the cycle would continue just like with what happened to Eren.

They experienced something tragic in there life just like him and as such well seek revenge just like he did and the never ending cycle will continue.

    Saya25 November 10, 2020 11:31 pm

    Let's not even forget the OG Ymir, being a slave and all that, and seeing everyone that came after her death being used and killed for 1000 years. Like I do feel bad. But the moment they trapped her, everything was over for the rest.