Ahhhh! Yes! Am I too late to join in? Well, even if I am, I hope you managed to send it off without a glitch. I was so looking forward to the continuation of this series so it was quite disappointing to find out Sensei put it on hiatus.
Anyway, I digressed. My point is, thank you for trying to represent us for our enthusiasm on this series in a language that Sensei could understand. (笑) (●'◡'●)ノ
She isn't involved in too many other projects besides manga work and anthology covers. Her only work in English is "you and me, etc." which is out of print (but available on amazon!).
I'd say, if you go to her pixiv known as ここのつ, at least giving her extra traffic on her art might help her out a bit. :) good luvk
Count me in!
I'd also be totally into organizing a forum or something for this, where people interested in a continuation of sora o daite oyasumi can sign. In the end, I'll write a letter to kyuugou (in Japanese), with the signatures of all the fans enclosed, faithfully waiting for the series' revival, in order to encourage her to continue. Anyone interested?