I.... kinda don't want him to hide much of his powers. Like he could use his powers and just make up an excuse bla bla bla. I mean you can trust your teammates right? They should at least know your powers even if you wont tell about how you went back in time.....
That's just stupid, people would start to target him and do you think anyone would have belived him If he told that he came back from the future?i would drop this in a minute If It had such an unrealistic plot
That's just stupid, people would start to target him and do you think anyone would have belived him If he told that he came back from the future?i would drop this in a minute If It had such an unrealistic plot LeRain
B-bro. Chill. Didn't exactly say to reveal that he came from the future. Chill. Bro, chill. Oof.
I.... kinda don't want him to hide much of his powers. Like he could use his powers and just make up an excuse bla bla bla. I mean you can trust your teammates right? They should at least know your powers even if you wont tell about how you went back in time.....