I correct myself. The dark grey-blueish-violetish haired person who is the MC, was called 'him' in chapter 0 and 'her' in chapter 1. But since the original word that's been translated to 'him/her' doesn't actually have a gender in many asian languages, and we can't decide a person's gender by their appearance and neither the person in question nor the story itself specified (yet) what gender they are by using another word than 'him/her' (if the translation was done correctly), we just don't know what gender they are yet (ch 1). Maybe it never even will be specified. Maybe it doesn't even matter for this story. We'll have to wait and see. For now 'they/them' seems to be the best pronoun for the MC.
and here i thought we finally got a vr story with an op female mc... ( ̄∇ ̄")