Totally agree. That's why ppl who comment they've seen worse like harada don't even make sense, harada makes it a point to not romanticize toxic relationships, they're nuanced but not depicted as all-is-okay relationships. Here, sex (rather rape) is just introduced as the all-in-one solution to fall in love which was gross

Yeah. Harada never romanticizes toxic relationships. They present it as something that is questionable and fucked up not something that is fluffy or even as some people have considered this story, wholesome.
The victim doesn’t know of course because the abuser in their stories are always psychos manipulating their partners to thinking they should stay with them but we, the readers know that their relationship is messed up and perceive it as it is. They dont present it with fluff they give us darkness and maybe disgust ... because Harada just really love fucked up characters and relationships and they present it with style too.
I really do not like my psychological BL with romance mixed in it unless its done well like Inheritance of aroma . I kept on rolling my eyes while reading this. In these types of stories, the uke is really too good for the semes that’s why I can’t appreciate it. Well tbf there is nothing to appreciate in a toxic relationship. If the author wanted things to be well, there are other ways to make them be together without including questionable stuff. In this story, even until the end, the seme never truly cared abt the uke’s feelings.
In stories like this the cure is always fucking the uke hard in order for him to turn around and be held captive. But then in this story’s case there was an attempt for it to be perceived as fluffy. Wholesome even Which I didn’t like.
This story could be great if tackled well. Dang. Too bad there’s a fandom for ahole semes like the younger brother.