
A K I R A June 8, 2015 5:40 am

No matter how much I read it, never got enough of it. Best shounen Ai story ever. It is certainly my favorite. Love story and all characters are perfect. There are 3 pairs, which are different from each other and the best thing that they are all friends. We can well imagine also that their friendship will continue forever, and two of the couples will probably continue to be together the rest of their life. Just hope that the rest of the manga will translate and only we get extra chapter of their life after 10 years. This manga will always be in my heart <3

    bakamono June 9, 2015 7:55 am

    I agree! :3 I've reread this countless time. over and over again.. its a beautiful story. The story is relatively normal.. what I mean is that the main characters are simply living their everyday life.. but it moves me.. how two totally different ppl meet each other. how they became friends, how their bond deepens with new trial... Its so touching.. I can go on and on about how much I love this masterpiece slice of life manga... anyways.. I'm a yaoi addict so I usually love to see guys getting hot and stuff so I was surprise that I'm okay with them not doing anything. I mean sometimes I wish there is more, but I'm not disappointed.. till the end, I feel as if their love was really pure.. they complete each other after all, lol. the other couple are amazing as well. Reiichi and Okuno is a couple that I want to hear more about. obviously Okuno is someone special to Reiichi.. I feel like Reiichi is more comfortable and at ease when he is with Okuno; like he could only truly relax when he know Okuno is by his side. Yet since Reiichi is the main son of the Kashiwaga (?) family... (was he not? or at least one of the most favorite) he's obviously binded to his family. I would to see how he face it in the future. He was one amazing guy. Koizumi and Asou were super cute as well!! <3 oh so the extra is 10 years later?? okay.. well that does make me wander about some stuff.. I could accept Kiyomine no touching Takara (right now) because he's still young. (16?) but when he gets older?? I'm sure their relationship will change... I mean, Kiyomine always wants Takara to be by his side, so I'm pretty sure one day Kiyomine will attack Takara..After all kiyomine is seriously attach to him.. I can see him not accepting the fact that Takara isn't completely his (since he's so posessive)... Kiyomine is the type to chase the person he likes... and I really don't think he cares about Takara's gender.. As long as its Takara.. he'll do him.. lol.

    A K I R A June 9, 2015 11:24 am
    I agree! :3 I've reread this countless time. over and over again.. its a beautiful story. The story is relatively normal.. what I mean is that the main characters are simply living their everyday life.. but it ... bakamono

    oh my , I like your comment a lot and agree with everything you said. I liked that there was something in manga directly tell us that they love each other more than friends, but it is just as between the lines. I imagine that Takara and kiyomine will be still together after 10 years, Takara did not show any interest in girls in manga and kiyomine said Takara is his second part, so I'm not doubt of this couple. Okuno and Reiichi the second pair that I can imagine that they will be together but Reiichi is the main son of the Kashiwaga , then perhaps he should marry a girl!
    Kuzumi and Asou <it the couple I uncertain about their future, Asou for sure has feelings for Kuzumi, but Kuzumi will be with him as his lover? < I wish there will be an extra chapter, som tell os how they life after 10 years. It's too sad the story end like that :(

    Anonymous June 9, 2015 12:25 pm
    oh my , I like your comment a lot and agree with everything you said. I liked that there was something in manga directly tell us that they love each other more than friends, but it is just as between the lines.... A K I R A

    sorry, but everyone talk about the extra chapter after 10 years?
    really? the author is making this chapter? do you know when? omg!

    A K I R A June 9, 2015 3:18 pm
    sorry, but everyone talk about the extra chapter after 10 years?really? the author is making this chapter? do you know when? omg! @Anonymous

    ohh no noooo , it's just our wish that there will be a extra chapter. Sorry if we get your hopes up :( <3 <3

    bakamono June 9, 2015 5:08 pm
    ohh no noooo , it's just our wish that there will be a extra chapter. Sorry if we get your hopes up :( <3 <3 A K I R A

    oh yeah. its wishful thinking but I still wanna see it.. Oh and thanks AKIRA! I really love Kiyomine and Takara!! :3 A lot of people, in different website wrote about how they don't love each other that way.. they are just good friend.. And yes they are really close but its so obvious that they see each other more than that. No matter how close they are, you don't lick your friend, or kiss him, or bite him because he avoided you, or wants to marry him if he was a girl.. haha the hints are seriously to strong to not be shounen-ai. The difference is that Kiyomine seems to realize his feelings and Takara has not yet. Of course friends drift apart eventually (when they move forward in life) but I doubt they'll leave each other either. They need each other to be completed.. plus as long ayako is marry to Kou... they're connected. Speaking of Kou i;m glad he (sorta) accepted the fact that Takara and Kiyomine need each other. (in the end) I mean I understand why he's worry about his son being near a dangerous boy... but he avoided Takara for way too long... yes, Kiyomine is dangerous... but he really cares for Takara. It was thanks to Kiyomine that Takara could finally start feeling normal emotion again like pain and sadness. Now back to Reiichi and Okuno.. I'm quite sure they'll stay together no matter what happens. I could only see the possibility of Okuno being Reiichi's secretary or something along the line. I can't see him leaving Reiichi either... I'm not sure about Reiichi and Kiyomine other family but I could see quite a lot of ppl accepted their relationship. mom, brother, sister, etc. As for Kuzumi.. I assume that he also has feelings for Asou... even if not.. he's special to him. Kuzumi isn't the type to get close to lot of ppl. For him to show Asou his family grave... its pretty deep. but there's not enough of them (like you mention).

    A K I R A June 9, 2015 6:31 pm
    oh yeah. its wishful thinking but I still wanna see it.. Oh and thanks AKIRA! I really love Kiyomine and Takara!! :3 A lot of people, in different website wrote about how they don't love each other that way.. t... bakamono

    like you said its obvious that they love each other. There are different way to show love. It's not only if they say '' I love you'' or have sex, they can have love without do this. And I love the way they love each other. It's obvious Kiyomine feeling more end ''close friend'', because he always monopoly him, he even get jealous, when Takara hug Kuzumi , and when The girl kiss Takara and when Takara come to gym, he said to Takara '' Don't you ever come here again'' < we can see he won't other men have eye off of Takara and Takara too naiv , but he was jealousy when Yuki,( I think her name ) kissed Kiyomine and thereafter he acting strangely against Kiyomine. Anyway I belive that they love each other as a lover.
    Reiichi and Kiyomine's family I think they will accept anything ppl normal will think is wierd, but I'm not sure about their old man will do ! any way I don't Reiichi' could live without Okuno and its the same in other way. it's hard for me to imagine how Kuzumi future will be. I wish all 3 couples will always be together. Really I'm glad to meet a fan of this manga <3 <3

    bakamono June 10, 2015 12:52 am
    like you said its obvious that they love each other. There are different way to show love. It's not only if they say '' I love you'' or have sex, they can have love without do this. And I love the way they love... A K I R A

    oh yes. me too!! I would love to become friends with you!! I feel as if we would get along! I really love this series! and I appreciate meeting another person who likes it as well!! Its a good series.. and deserves to be praise! Like many other, I wish this series was adapted to an anime.. but its been so long already and there's no sign of it ever being realease so its obvious that they won't make it to one. It super obvious that they like each other even if its not express by words that they do. They display the desire to need each other.. which is fine by me. Matter of fact. you could say I'm kinda jealous of their bond. Its like Kiyomine is saying, "there's two people that's important to me; Ayako and shorty" As you mention, Takara is still to unaware of admitting to such thing. He is pretty dense and naive. but that's what I love about him. They are definitely lovers. After meeting their family.. I could see Reiichi's mom being pretty accepting.. and even if the younger brother doesn't like it.. if its Okuno, I could see him accepting it... hehe, he might even feel a little bad for Okuno (lol) as for Kiyomine, I think his older sibling probably approve of them already.. if his mom (is the lawyer from Super lovers??) than I can't see her disapproving them either.. I think she'll like Takara a lot. I could only see Kuzumi as a pro archer and Asou... either go pro in some sports... or become a host.. lol (maybe he knows haru from super lover, if he was a host) lol? maybe like takara and kiyomine they decided to live together (I can't see Asou wanting to let go).. I think we'll see the dept of Kuzumi's feelings if Abe-sensei wrote more about them..

    A K I R A June 10, 2015 5:02 pm
    oh yes. me too!! I would love to become friends with you!! I feel as if we would get along! I really love this series! and I appreciate meeting another person who likes it as well!! Its a good series.. and dese... bakamono

    ohh I would love that too, it's make me happy to have you as friend <3 and me too, I envy them bc their relationship, its strong and no one can broke it. There some manga I love so much that I don't want that they be too anime, bc small details in manga is so important that I don't want they remove in anime. Both kiyomine and Takara family wouldn't be a problem in their relationship. But I don't know about Reiichi. Me too I can't see Asou leave Kuzumi side, but Kuzumi a bad to show emotion and maybe it will be a problem for Asou. He he by the way I read it today and see, Kiyomine refused refused Yukira, when she ask about Takara to be working as a model, but it wouldn't be a problem if its Akira Xd <3 LOVE LOVE ohh dying XD http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/komatta_toki_ni_wa_hoshi_ni_kike/mf/v12/c002/10/