
ddsilvera November 7, 2020 8:05 am


Trashta dies in a tower, alone, coughing up her own blood cos she drank poison guys gg (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
and this fool sovieshit will regret how he lost Navier and drink lots of alcohol, the baby girl trashta had was not his and he sent the baby away too, he regrets ever losing his eMpreSs.
I say, SERVES THEM RIGHT both emperor bastard and vermin trashta call me heartless idc they had it coming for themselves. I’m filled with sm hate towards them it’s sad. The fact that Sovie thought he could just divorce Navie for a year just so he could make Trashta the empress for his heir to become legit and then Remarry Navie again so his heir could have both legitimacy as well as the perfect mom-empress? APPALLS me. What makes him think Navie would want to raise a child whose not hers, especially due to the circumstances(first divorced by husband then asked to raise another person’s child after remarriage)-which did not happen since our QUEEN NAVIER remarried right after and later had a baby with Heinley. This selfish bastard emperor is nothing but a toxic scumbag and i wish for him to feel nothing but guilt till death. The audacity to trap Navie right after the divorce tsk tsk, this mans right here is a wHOLE circus.

I’m sorry to have used such bad words but it’s how i feel deep down, even while i read several chapters of this manhwa i was trembling, full of anger and frustration. I went and read the lightnovel eng trans till ch 174 and then read the raws on another site with google translate and i had a migraine tryna read, some parts are okay and understandable, i just wanted to see how this trashta died and having read the part where she dies, i could sleep peacefully, and that i did.

    zbvtchh November 7, 2020 1:19 pm


    Azzzztec November 8, 2020 9:12 am

    I believe that I have a strong defense against tearjeker manhwas but this, this thing got me crying co'z of anger

    Grizleebear November 8, 2020 9:28 am

    Wait, so thats why soviesht was hesitant to grant her the approval for remarriage after their divorce at the first chapter cos he instends to remarry her after a year? Boi srsly think his empress doesnt have a LONG ASS line of suitors that are by no means lesser in status then he is.

    ♡☆anichaenna☆♡ November 8, 2020 9:42 am

    that will be so satisfying