
Gobbling Consigliere Taku~ November 7, 2020 4:50 am

So fucking realistic, not sure how I'm supposed to feel tbh... I hate it (for obvious reasons) though also enjoy it because of the reality of it-

    Lexa November 7, 2020 5:16 am

    My thoughts exactly. The first time I read I was extremely uncomfortable especially the first two chapters...ya know why and oof don't even get me started on the drama cd for this, trust if you think reading was painful just imagine listening to a little kid scream god I so regretted that.....but anyways yeah my point being this is a very disturbing manga, you're suppose to feel uncomfortable and disgusted and what not. But I like that fact sensei sheds a light on the true reality of these kinds of situations. That its not always a happy ending and she didn't to make this into 'oh he raped me so now I love him' or some bs like that nah thats not what happened and if anyone thinks that is what really happened ya need to read it again, Yui is clearly fucked up and not in his right mind. Wow okay I just went on a little rant lmao sorry just dropping my two cents