I feel like everyone just dipped

Why didn't I lock the door? November 7, 2020 5:39 am

I feel like everyone just left after the 1st couple chapters and to be honest I don't blame you edit: I dont hate it, it has good plot, I just dont like the rape

    Quicksilver November 7, 2020 5:35 am

    to be honest, you're wrong

    Mai November 7, 2020 6:38 am

    Same here! We don hate it, it has a good plot and tho we don't like rape too! But here reading it!
    Well I came here after chap 26. Quite late tho! N I'm staying for what the authors gona give us!

    Quicksilver November 8, 2020 2:28 am
    Same here! We don hate it, it has a good plot and tho we don't like rape too! But here reading it!Well I came here after chap 26. Quite late tho! N I'm staying for what the authors gona give us! Mai

    wait a sec. let's be clear. I do like rape when it's fiction. It's a great fantasy and very common. I'm also in favor of it when it is portrayed in certain ways. I'm in favor of rape, graphically portrayed, as an important instrument of social change. I'm very much against being included in a group that claims to hate rape and want it never to be seen in any form.

    Mai November 8, 2020 2:43 am
    wait a sec. let's be clear. I do like rape when it's fiction. It's a great fantasy and very common. I'm also in favor of it when it is portrayed in certain ways. I'm in favor of rape, graphically portrayed... Quicksilver

    Ummm i dont LIKE rape in any form generally , but i can read it in fiction , so ive got no problem with it , not my fantasy tho, everyone coming here reads it n yet they claimed that they hate it then why read it! I read it , but i wont rant about it being this or that , cz its fiction n it doesnt bother me in novels or mangas or in anime! I wont specifically choose a rape fiction , i have never even visited the rape tag, i just go for a good plot , if it has rape in it i wont drop it cz of it , if i drop it it will always be cz of a tragic ending , or something that i would personally not like to see n it can include anything!

    Mai November 8, 2020 3:34 am
    wait a sec. let's be clear. I do like rape when it's fiction. It's a great fantasy and very common. I'm also in favor of it when it is portrayed in certain ways. I'm in favor of rape, graphically portrayed... Quicksilver

    Cz if its mature people reading such things like rape , incest , pedophilia then its fine, and for those who know that these things shouldnt be done in real life!

    Mai November 8, 2020 3:52 am
    wait a sec. let's be clear. I do like rape when it's fiction. It's a great fantasy and very common. I'm also in favor of it when it is portrayed in certain ways. I'm in favor of rape, graphically portrayed... Quicksilver

    Its just like when i started watching GOT , but i really couldnt take that brother sister relationship n i just dropped it immediately , again picked it up from somehwere in between for John Snow n then again i dropped it cz of killing of the babies, God it was too much for me, n to this day its still dropped. LOL! But ill just watch the ending to see who gets the iron throne! I have kept myself away from all the spoilers uptil now. Lol
    So if its anything like that thats taboo n crime , i can drop it even in fiction if im unable to handle it!

    Quicksilver November 8, 2020 9:44 pm
    Cz if its mature people reading such things like rape , incest , pedophilia then its fine, and for those who know that these things shouldnt be done in real life! Mai

    true true

    Mai November 9, 2020 8:52 am
    true true Quicksilver

    Am i seeing things!? Did u just actually agree with me ?? Should i pinch myself to check it?! LOL

    Emely November 10, 2020 6:15 am

    Yes I left because of the rape and blackmail, I hated it so much

    Quicksilver November 13, 2020 10:38 am
    Yes I left because of the rape and blackmail, I hated it so much Emely

    I don't buy it.

    Quicksilver November 13, 2020 2:16 pm
    Ummm i dont LIKE rape in any form generally , but i can read it in fiction , so ive got no problem with it , not my fantasy tho, everyone coming here reads it n yet they claimed that they hate it then why read ... Mai

    I don't care if you don't like it! I'm not in your group.