So what ? I don't like kids, so what ? I mean, she's annoying bc she could have just listen to the adult but didn't. He told her to be careful, but she didn't listen. Any kids is able to listen to an adult ?? You don't have to be mature to listen to an adult when he says "stop doing that" ? And I don't like children in general, I don't expect them to be mature because I'm perfectly aware that they're childish and immature, and that's the very reason why I can't stand them and so, I don't stay near them bc they make me uncomfortable. But are you seriously judging people who don't like children and worse, you're saying that they must have a fucking therapy ???? Are u serous ?????? Just bc she has a tragic backstory doesn't mean that I'll not be annoyed ? Just bc she has a tragic backstory doesn't mean that everything is allowed ? One of the adult's duty is to educated them ? Teaching them that they have to listen to the adults especially if the situation is serious and/or dangerous, don't you think so ? Also, we can be annoyed with a child and still feel empathy for them or in general ? Like, who are you to judge someone by assuming their personality, wether they lack of empathy or not, based on the only fact that they're annoyed with a fictional character ? Also, who are you to assume wether someone react the same way when it comes to fiction and reality ? And who are you to tell them to get a therapy ? And the webtoon is not about the kid, so I'll gladly keep reading it lmao ???
the issue here is ppl are just being stupid about the kid shes not real stop complaining about her and also shes having a... pretty normal reaction to the idea of being separated from a parent she probably thought loved her like any parent should? like i could not imagine finding this kid annoying shes literally just being. an abandoned child in denial about being abandoned.
It's exactly bc this child is fictional that I don't understand why do people take this so seriously as if she was real. Like it may be a fiction but fiction make you feel emotions, some fictions make you laugh, cry, angry etc, even tho it's fictional. Here, one character make some people annoyed, there is absolutely no problem with that. This is just what the author make us feel as readers with their plot, with their characters etc. What I can't understand is why do people are insulting or judging those who are just feeling some emotions that differ from theirs. Just bc you can't understand or you don't feel the same way that you all have the right to judge us. Like, why do they feel obligated to defend her as if she was real? As if we were monsters who would let a child dies all alone in the woods without any compassion. Disliking kids doesn't mean being heartless. But here, this is just fiction, and I really don't care at all. The only emotion she makes me feel is annoyance and I have the right to feel that way bc she's not real and the author is good enough to makes me feel something with just a fictional character.
idk what to tell u other than like complaining about her is still stupid, and also shes supposed to be an upset kid because she was abandoned by her father and shes acting like a perfectly normal kid who would be abandoned by their father and not believe it. i think most ppl feel the need to defend her as if she were real because real children go through this and hating a fictional kid who is acting in a real way a real child would act in real life in fiction probably says something about how youd feel about an irl kid going througgh the same situation. also op pointed out the hypocrisy in the way you guys act about pretty boy mc and a little girl going through an upsetting thing herself. i just simply dont get why anyone would be complaining about her point blank, like shes literally. just not doing anything wrong. also "its exactly bc this child is fictional that i dont understand why do people take this so seriously as if she was real" youre doing the same thing by complaining about her being annoying and also talking about how you hate kids??
honestly i just dont get why anyones complaining about her at all. shes acting like a normal kid. people are judging and complaining because you guys are missing the point entirely.
People have the right to complain tho? Just bc u don't understand and u have a different opinion doesn't mean that we are wrong? Don't try to push your own beliefs on people and don't judge them just bc they have different opinions and u can't understand theirs. You feel some pity and other people feel annoyance. Nobody's asking u to justify yourself so you shouldn't try to ask us to justify what we feel on the matter. We just feel that way and that's it. We have different personalities, different opinions and we see this scene differently. When I say that I don't understand why people take this so seriously bc she's fictional, I'm talking about those who are literally insulting people just bc they're complaining about a fictional character and they directly assume things about them and even tell them to get some therapy??? As I said, fiction can make you feel some real emotions, this fictional character annoyed me, and she even made me think about children in general who also annoys me, but does that mean that I see her as a real kid? No, and that's why I don't even feel guilty bc I know she doesn't exist. Does that mean I take this seriously? Well at first no but seeing how some people are insulting me bc of it, now yes. Does that mean I'm a heartless monster who don't have any empathy towards children and who should get a therapy? No. Does that mean that you can assume things about me just bc of what I feel for a fictional character? This is so fuckep up, I swear. People can be super offensive and mean to real people just for a fictional character? Like wtf? It feels like a big joke. This is where the line between fiction and reality disappeared for some people bc they're attacking real people bc of a story which is not real.
I saw some comments saying this = She was being stupid, cuz she didn’t listen to someone to be careful, and she ended up hurting herself and someone else - again take it from someone who’s done something just as stupid as a kid.
Like srsly, if I hurt myself becuz I was stupid, then I was being stupid
And if I hurt someone else becuz of that, then it’s even more stupid
Even if she’s fictional ppl will still get frustrated lol, mostly cuz they’re so invested with city boy. And idk about anyone else, but I just find her annoying, which I feel like is understandable, like this child is being dumb, like just cuz she’s a child I’m not gonna excuse everything they do. Here it's not even about being mature, just listening to someone telling you it's dangerous. And don't worry, hating a side character in a story you're reading just for purple haired guy and his soon-to-be boyfriend doesn't make you a child abuser in need of therapy in real life. = this sums everything up very well and explains why it's not "stupid" to complain about her. I mean it's the comment section, we're supposed to have the right to talk about about anything we want.
y’all are actually too much like when the mf pretty boy main character of a webtoon has a tragic backstory where they were abandoned and act out youre all like oh T__T poor bby T__T but when it’s another kid they’re annoying and stupid to you huh give me a break. no one cares that you don’t like kids lmao go get some fucking empathy or read another webtoon then