My guess what might happen....(contains a little bit of spoilers for raw of chap. 59) ...

DoopDoop November 6, 2020 4:03 pm

My guess what might happen....(contains a little bit of spoilers for raw of chap. 59)




Without the translation I can't do much now. So these thoughts could be completely wrong...

I think NK is in for a rough time (this I am pretty sure of - I don't think he will escape unscathed). This writer pays off what they seeded throughout the story. I don't see this part just disappearing without anything happening to NK.

With SH sick and possibly thinking that NK ran off after his confession, two things may happen (from my POV): SH may be dejected giving the kidnappers more time with NK or his possessiveness might kick in in his refusal to lose the person he loves.

This might happen one after the other as well with SH being dejected and then refusing to let NK go and going after him. But this will cause a lag in time.

Jihwa or Min might be stupid enough to brag about it to another of the noblemen, who might feel to uncomfortable with the situation, and may tell SH.

Aside from this, without clues I am not sure how this can be figured out. I don't think No Name left clues behind, but NK is not wearing his scarf and you can't see if a shoe is missing based on the last picture (this is speculation only but if he moved fast because a physically outstanding lord was a few steps away this could have happen). He could have also removed the scarf later himself when he had capture NK but again we didn't get an image of the kidnapping.

I think Jihwa will lash out at NK but I think/hope when things are escalated he might wake up and realize what he is doing. But right now, Jihwa has a perfect victim in helpless NK to vent his instability on. I wish he would call it off but he hasn't really struggled with that decision, instead he tried to rush No Name into acting faster so that they could get it over with.

The problem here is how long SH would take to spring into action. I can definitely see this story going as far as having Min try to rape NK (hopefully not fully include a rape by Min, because please give my baby death instead). I honestly don't think it would matter except for our hearts which don't want to see NK harmed further.

SH is too caught up in unrequited love right now and that can cause a lag in what SH would have been more likely to do (mainly obsessively hunt NK down and drag him back to his home) but I do think that this would just be a lag because NK is in SH's blood now.

The official translation will probably give out more clues for where this is going. But it is best to assume that NK is going to get hurt so be prepared.

    Imposter November 6, 2020 4:09 pm

    Could you ever so kindly I don't know how to say this ummm could you summarize it so I can read it(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Rui_Vi November 6, 2020 4:35 pm
    Could you ever so kindly I don't know how to say this ummm could you summarize it so I can read it(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Imposter

    NK is gonna get hurt badly because sengho might think he escaped after confessing so he won't act as fast to save NK which will give time for there to be more torture for NK.

    DoopDoop November 6, 2020 4:39 pm
    Could you ever so kindly I don't know how to say this ummm could you summarize it so I can read it(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Imposter

    I think NK will get hurt. I think Jihwa will hurt him but might snap out of it if someone goes too far. I think SH's reaction time will directly affect how much NK gets hurt. We might get to the point that Min will almost rape NK (Fingers crossed he doesn't). And I questioned if No name left behind signs of a struggle. Also, if nothing is left behind to give off clues of a kidnapping, is one of the other noblemen going to rat Jihwa out. Just trying to figure out how SH would know NK was kidnapped instead of thinking he ran away.

    DoopDoop November 6, 2020 11:46 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! ~•hehehehehe•~

    Well, unfortunately, SH is connected with tragedy. It follows him. So NK is an easy target for people too afraid of lashing out directly at SH. They know this would cause a mortal wound for SH and NK isn't even an afterthought for these aholes. He is disposable based on his status alone.

    I thought the only thing that might change would have been SH's father being the one to swoop in first and seeing that he didn't, guess he would do so eventually. So whatever happens now, there will still be some hurdles to overcome.

    SH's dad isn't approaching SH out of regret and seeing the hints of what he did to his own brilliant child (a perfect heir - except for the gay part, I guess), a servant/lowborn will be nothing for him. So I am afraid that even if they overcome this, we have SH's father and that asshat In-Hun to expect a poop storm from.

    It isn't about NK's innocence but because the boy is so unguarded and because SH loves him that he has become a target. He is disposable. SH isn't.