Role of Noblesse

Makichan June 4, 2015 10:44 am

I think Rai would never disappear as long as nobles are existing.. you know that's the role of the noblesse right. his role will never end. and i think if ever Rai dies, maybe he'll turn into a baby again (though, i don't know where he really come from?) to restore his life energy? then he'll grow up once more still retaining his previous memories... hihi... just a speculation...
but if he really dies. TTATT i'm always crying in all his fights ever since i've learned the truth about his power, AND ALWAYS SAYING TO MYSELF, PLEASE STOP RAI! PLEASE DON'T DIE!!! AND IF EVER HE REALLY DIES! OHMEGAWD RIVER WILL FLOW FROM EYES!!!! TTATT RAIIIIII!!!!!!

    I WANT AN EVIL SNOWMAN June 10, 2015 12:12 am

    Rai as a baby. Then Franky needs to be the one to raise him.

    And now I really want to read a story about that.

    Rosa June 17, 2015 9:51 am

    Oh that's a great theory. It will be just like a phoenix return from ashes after it burns out. And Raizel already has wings like a phoenix.