this attempt at bite back is hilarious because you do realize Europe is a continent right. With over fifty countries there and with people that are still alive and breathing and guess what? make fictional work too. So yes it is possible for a fictional story set in Europe (but once again be specific because baby where? this is like when people mistake Africa for a country.) to be a 100% accurate. especially when it’s written by a european who lives in somewhere in Europe. Lmao.
Besides no one is asking for full-blown accuracy just try a little harder when you’re tackling cultures you obviously are not privy or connected to. European set pieces have existed for decades it doesn’t take a genius to write one nowadays.
like no matter how hot this is you can just tell the author does not care about the sanctity of the culture and just wants to do another hurrrdurrr ethnic tanned man with white-passing pale girl hurrr like yeah he’s hot whatever but would it kill y’all to show a little more respect and research to this if you so badly want to use this setting??? like idk maybe its just me lol