everyone really gotta stop complaining about MC

Lollipop.dreams November 5, 2020 9:24 pm

Like I get it she makes some dumb decisions or could have made better ones, but remember that this is a time where women were below men. I can't blame for what she does and she is pretty strong willed just like what hatshepsut might have been. In a certain point its kinda of a biography but with creative freedom.

As for the sking tones, I think are a bit nitpicky since the reason why shes white istead of darker skinned like the rest of the character is cuz she is suppose to stand out and be the main focus.

    Ronoue Yuri June 6, 2024 11:45 am

    Women were not necessarily lower in status than men in ancient Egypt. They could own and manage their own businesses, they could go to courts by themselves to address grievances, they had a right to inheritance, and they were not a burden to the family, because the family didn't have to pay a dowry to the prospective son-in-law's family. The woman could inherit property, even buy and sell those assets. Many women worked in industries such as baking, and brewing beer, which was an industry dominated by women. Women could also train to become physicians, there were a good number of female doctors attested in historic records. While literacy was kept away from most commoners, women included; the status of women was more egalitarian and liberated than in other contemporary and future ancient societies.