I'm sorry, but you're not alone. Don't think of that. I sometimes feel that way, nobody to talk to always alone, but that gets you stronger! If your friends are real then they should he proud of you not be jealous on you. Your boyfriend is really Bad very Bad! Choosing another girl over you because she's pregnant. It's better you two broke up! You don't want to be this another girl! And about your parents, I think you should go and talk to them. Say you're true feelings! I know its hard but is the best thing to do. They're the only two people who you rely on. And about university, pick something that won't let you down. Even some friends who won't let you down. Besides there's always sunshine after the rain! So smile and be thankful from what you've done. Look at the bright side, you're accomplishments can get you to a better work! So keep holding on and start refreshing. Let the past be your past.
I hope that helps!

Omg, I don't know what to say. You're surrounded by jerks! Your ex-bf is the biggest asshole ever, but it's good that you saw his true colours. Seriously, that left me speechless. I kinda know how you feel, especially the part about your classmates and parents. I'm not sure if this helps though, but I know that pain. I couldn't really talk to anyone, so I started keeping a diary (it wasn't a usual diary; it helped me release my darkest thoughts- sth like katharsis, a way to purify myself). Maybe this would help you too?
I'm sure things will get better in college- people are more mature and they all have similar aspirations, so it's easier to make friends (they won't hate you just because you're talented, at least I believe so).
I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone. I'm not a therapist, so I can't really help you, but I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Take care!

Chantal. Don't be sad for a guy who doesn't deserve it. You seems to be young so don't worry someday you will find a guy who will love you for who you are. Maybe it will take time... but don't worry. Don't say you are alone because it would bring pain to the people who cares for you. Also there's something i learned is that you have to love yourself. You shouldn't care about what people that you don't care about feel for you. I mean it's stupid if they don't love you so what ? Is it gonna change your life if they do ? I don't think so ^^ Most of all, if you're healthy, smart and wise then you shouldn't worry about such petty things. You are young and so many things awaits you so don't be sad. I'm sure there are many people who might wish for the life you have. In the end if you complain about what you have then you will deeply regret it if one day you lose it . So be happy. ^^

Right now, you're lonely and sad, both to be expected after what you've described. But I think that the people who are urging you to not to dwell on the experience (your parents, for example) and who may seem a bit unsympathetic are NOT actually unsympathetic. Chances are they realize, as a lot of adults do, that the more you settle into negative feelings, the more of a framework you build for them in your brain. Basically, you release hormones and chemicals which make it easier for you to experience more sadness and loneliness in the future more often. Probably, they just don't want to encourage you to hurt yourself even more. So what would be a healthy alternative?
(Healthy would mean something that does not damage you further, which would mean avoiding alcohol and drugs.)
Physical exercise is a great release: Vigorous ecstatic dancing to upbeat music, walking/running, swimming, biking ... things which you can do on your own whenever you feel the sadness take over. But, also, if you're feeling lonely, then joining some sort of group activity will help banish those feelings, so some sort of sport would bring you into the company of new people who don't care how much you blew away your old classmates for a common purpose: the fun of the game, working as a team, getting out in the fresh air and sunshine ...
Distractions work. Any time you spend not thinking about how sad and lonely you feel is time you're not only not feeling sad and lonely, but time you're building up the things which make you happy: more knowledge, more sensitivity to art, music, good writing, performances, etc. Read some good books, go watch some live plays, go to an art museum and learn about art. Develop a talent: paint, draw, learn to play the flute, express all your dreams and hopes through a medium like that or several media. Just don't sit around thinking that you have nothing to live for.
Get out and meet people. Don't put yourself in situations where you have the opportunity to mope and feel bad about yourself. Volunteer! Help with community projects. Ask if there are elderly people in your neighbourhood who need assistance. Look after some toddlers in order to give respite to a new mother.

don't be sad there is always someone who watch over you. Your parent are really working hard for you because of that you can study. l never go out with someone in my 20 years so l don't understand how you are feeling right now but l believe there are so many fish and you will have new friends and boyfriends so don't worry he will regret it very soon just don't give up time will make your wound heal in no time

Well Chantal let's start with the basics. You have a very beautiful name (▰˘◡˘▰).
I think in regard to your situation that you should look at the cake (four scholarships and what you can accomplish in the future), not the crumbs. Right now, you've forgotten about the 100,000,000$ cake and you're thinking about the 1$ crumbs.
I believe that your parents should have been there for you but if they couldn't, please do understand. They truly love you (and they aren't the only parents who can't attend ceremonies related to their children's success. It happens to many other people too).
About the boyfriend, he wasn't a boyfriend to begin with. If I understood correctly, he was having fun, cheating on his wife with you and then when things became serious, his true colors appeared. Look at it as a lesson, as the stepping stone for the future, pick your boyfriends wisely. Don't just go with the flow, let your mind in it too and let both your mind and heart decide about the quality of the person you're going out with.
Finally, jealous classmates and colleagues are an international phenomenon, they are everywhere. The same above-mentioned lesson applies here too: always be patient, learn first as much as you can about a person before calling him a boyfriend or her a friend.
You're a good person and you're a winner. You have a 100,000,000$ cake, so forget about the one-dollar-crumbs. You're a smart girl: would you jeopardize your 100,00,00$ fortune for one-dollar-crumbs?

I'll give it to you straight.
Things will hurt like a bitch right now but that's only cuz you gave all you had to a lying cheater that seemed like the perfect man. And right now you probably regret every single shit you went through for him and even the happy memories runs through you like shards of glasses but what i can tell you that one day, you'll look back without hurting and think "ah, i really went through crap but it's still a picture in the album of my life. I went through something and was reminded that even roses has thorns"
Oh, i'm not saying it's not painful but i have yet to find a form of pain time doesn't heal. You'll always have scars but i find that no one is without their own share.
Sorry but this may be out of topic but ughh, it freaking hurts. Could someone please comfort me, I feel like I was all alone and that nobody cares. My boyfriend just broke up with me last week and I don't know why I tried to call and send him messages so that we can talk it over but he kept on ignoring me. After a few days I went to his house until I heard that he was already married and that they have a baby and that they will live in other country permanently. I was shocked and of course I was hurt. I really don't know what to do at that time but of course I will not let this affect my studies since I'm going to college now especially that I have 4 scholarships from different universities and of course I need to choose one. I tried to talk to my parents about my problem but they don't seem to care. When it comes to friends, I only have few it's because most of the people especially from my previous school hated me, I don't even know why. Then one of my friends told me that most of them hates me it's because they're just jealous of what I accomplished-I was the valedictorian in high school and was the best in all subjects. I was sad when I heard this I just want them to look at me for who I am and I don't want them to hate me just because of that. After we graduated, all of my friends migrated to other country. I felt sad because I'm all alone again. Even though I finished high school with big accomplishment, I feel alone..my parents didn't even come to my graduation because they're very busy but they did say sorry to me afterwards...of course I understand but somewhere in my heart I really feel alone and feels that nobody seemed to care..My boyfriend broke-up with me, my super busy parents and my friends who are now in other country..I understand my parents because I know that they're working hard to support me and our financial needs but somehow I kinda feel neglected it's because when I need them, they're always not there for me due to work. Even though I have good grades and many accomplishments, I still don't feel happy I feel like I was all alone. It really hurts, this kind of feeling.. Sorry for my english.