i kinda agree but also don't? kinda mixed. like if they were brought up as siblings and then were told they weren't and their feelings slowly changed then that would ig make sense? though it shouldn't really happen bc they were brought up as siblings which is where i agree with you. but she feels this way before she even finds out so its smth else tbh. and i have a feeling they won't end up together anyway? i think. idrm either way

idk man if ur sibling love changes to romantic love after hearing youre technically not blood related then you had those weird romantic feelings for them already cause people can be family without being blood related all the time and dont suddenly wanna fuck or date eachother cause they arent actually blood related. like if your Raised yo be siblings since birth until ur like 16 idk u should still see them as your brother /sister even if ur find ur not blood related. Just like if u found out ur dad isnt actually ur biological dad he is still your dad since he raised u etc. Thats just my personal feelings. Im ok with like, suddenly ur step-siblings and u just met eachother at an older ish age and they fall for eachother but if ur raised as someones kid or sibling it's just weird to suddenly havw romantic feelings for them just because they arent technically BLOOD related

but sometimes when those societal barriers are raised when they find out they're not blood related they may end up subconsciously feeling more open to those things? i get what you mean though and personally if they were literally raised by the person then i think that's weird to, like a father figure or mother

Ok let’s use logic, if you were brought up like brothers, then that’s what you are. If I adopt someone I assume the role of a mother, meaning that I cannot be their girlfriend, I cannot be anything else other than that because it’s FORBIDDEN. Not because of religion, I don’t care about that, but simply morality. You sound like you don’t have siblings tbh. There’s no way any sane person would develop feelings for their FAMILY. You spend time with this person and are family, if you suddenly develop feelings because now you have the OK, then you were incestual from the start. Let’s not pretend this isn’t incest, just call it what it is and call it a day.
Uuuuuugggghhhh it always makes me uncomfortable when an author uses the “well they’re not related” excuse so two siblings can date. Cause although they’re aren’t related they were still brought up together as siblings. Also it’s kinda of like well if your not related your not siblings and that’s not nice