What chapter did sulhwa raped Jaehee?

Saiko-chan November 5, 2020 4:58 pm

What chapter did sulhwa raped Jaehee?

    OptimisticMist November 5, 2020 5:01 pm

    Im tryna find out the same thing its been a while since I read this so I don't remember much

    Saiko-chan November 5, 2020 5:42 pm

    Same, i don't remember sulhwa raped jaehee :/

    OptimisticMist November 5, 2020 8:30 pm

    Everyones talking about it but I still love sulhwa and I thought everything/or most of the stuff they did that they both wanted it but idk now

    nims November 6, 2020 1:42 am

    chapter 24-25, no consent was given and after she was done she started crying and saying sorry. Jaehee is too nice/dumb for letting shit like that slide.

    TeaChaku_ November 8, 2020 12:27 pm
    Everyones talking about it but I still love sulhwa and I thought everything/or most of the stuff they did that they both wanted it but idk now OptimisticMist

    I agree and huilin also did something like this when her and jaehee were at school she told her to stop and she didn't sometimes I think that they should put raping warnings like the moment with sulwha

    borks November 8, 2020 9:38 pm
    I agree and huilin also did something like this when her and jaehee were at school she told her to stop and she didn't sometimes I think that they should put raping warnings like the moment with sulwha TeaChaku_

    What are you talking about? Huilin did something like this? Huilin did not rape Jaehee, she agreed to go to school wearing ropes and toys, she obeyed Huilin’s orders too. In bdsm you use a safe word for when you truly want to stop, that’s why saying “stop” doesn’t mean much. The only reason why what Sulhwa did is considered rape is because intercourse was not consented in first place, she just took Jaehee by force. Meanwhile sex between Jaehee and Huilin has always been consensual and she has never felt the need to use the safe word as far as i remember.

    Topp-Chan November 9, 2020 12:17 pm

    Ah okay? Thanks for the info.

    Topp-Chan November 9, 2020 12:18 pm
    Everyones talking about it but I still love sulhwa and I thought everything/or most of the stuff they did that they both wanted it but idk now OptimisticMist

    Same bruh.

    Keith November 9, 2020 6:51 pm
    Everyones talking about it but I still love sulhwa and I thought everything/or most of the stuff they did that they both wanted it but idk now OptimisticMist


    TeaChaku_ November 20, 2020 10:18 pm
    What are you talking about? Huilin did something like this? Huilin did not rape Jaehee, she agreed to go to school wearing ropes and toys, she obeyed Huilin’s orders too. In bdsm you use a safe word for when ... borks

    Yeah idk