im sorry but i had only one fact that you said that it was a myth that a corset harms the body in victorian aged the women would try to put on a corset so tight so they could look like a women drawn in the magazine with the most tiniest waist it was so bad that pregnancy corsets are a thing ! and some wore it day and night to tran there waist to be itty bitty . what it did to the body that the tighter it was the more it would crush your ribs the liver that resides in the upper part of our body will be turned upward the ribs will curve causing strain on the heart and pushing our lungs and organs down to rest on the vagina and if that happens you were most likely to die from childbirth Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

I agree with you with everything you said (obsession to attain the beauty described in magazines and advertisement was a fact and still is nowadays, conducting to dramatical issues both physically and psychologically) and I think I was not clear about the "myth" thing : the myth I was talking about is that EVERY woman was subjected to the extreme use of corsets and so body's modifications. And speaking of the pregnancy corsets, I wasn't including them in the "normal" corsets but yes non-adjusted pregnancy-corsets made to make you look not pregnant by crushing the belly flat were a real problem if used during a pregnancy the woman was trying to pursue till the 9th month, and those corsets were even used as abortion devices sometimes...
(I'm not a native English speaker so I may have been inconsistent in my rant ( ̄∇ ̄") but the chapter really triggered me and I know I should calm the fuck down because it's fiction but well...)

Also here's a link for those who want to hear an explanation on a person who does historical research on clothing. She's lovely btw. And like a lot of people here I was also bothered by this chapter. It was inaccurate and incorrect.

now that's a tightlace fucking insane (⊙…⊙ )

I'm also a fan of Bernadette !!! ^^
you can also check this link for more explanations on corsets (it's suuuper interesting) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNwTqanp0Aw&ab_channel=Karolina%C5%BBebrowska

https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Tightlacing see know this is what i was talking about the organs and stuff Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

As you said the problem isn't the corset because it can be so pretty, useful for the back, and empowering ^^ the problem is people going to such extremes as Barbie's waist or "wasp waist" (I don't know if the expression is the same in English)... Anyone can decide what they want to do with their body as long as they know what they're risking, but some clearly don't have all the informations (medical ones at least) before doing so...

I must have been heard all the way to the USA because here's today's video from Bernadette Banner (spoiler, it's about corsets ^^) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y25Go12sUg&ab_channel=BernadetteBanner
Why are corsets described as women's hell when historically speaking literally EVERYONE (women AND men) were wearing them ?! And they weren't just for aristocrats/rich people/etc... but for everyone including the working class so now tell me how you're supposed to work if you're incapable of breathing ? And apparently, our ancestors were SOO stupid they couldn't figure that no breathing meant big big troubles by everyone standards... (same ancestors that however could survive with no electricity, informatics, automated stuff and others modern world's technologies ; when most of US clearly can't survive without social media)
It's infuriating to see how no research on a subject can create so much misinformation and even more when you learn how this "corset is hell, a woman shouldn't wear it" was created by men trying to control the few powers that women were gaining at this time by not allowing them to create stuff they liked and as always jugging them by how they dressed/wanted to feel with their body (men's corsets were made by men and women's corsets by women, so "women's corsets are hell" = "come on girl, stop working and gaining money, I'll tell you how to dress and I'll keep you dependent on my money and my standards")
As said below, well-adjusted corsets were super comfortable because they were made FOR and ON you, they were worn on top of a thin cloth (which was in fact well shown in the manga, to my surprise), a corset (and its ancestor the stray) was the premice to our bras so why would we shame a woman for wearing it if she wants to ? And lastly, of course, a corset tightly laced as described in this manga or in some caricatural pictures of this time (yes people knew what humor and exaggeration were, even back then) would create some changes in the body but archeology showed us that it's more of a myth than a real fact that every woman was crippled by her corsetry. In fact, even nowadays corsets are used in the medical field to prevent troubles caused by pathologies (scoliosis, spondylolisthesis... name it or ask our friend : google).
If we're sooo worried by body's deformities caused by what we wear, let's talk about high heeled shoes or normal high healed ones that almost never follow the biomechanics of the foot and the human body in general, and cause incredible dysmorphisms and pain (of course mostly to women because they're the ones who HAS TO wear them)...
I may sound rude and bitchy, but I'm just trying to do my part by informing, stopping misinformation by giving everyone most of the whole picture. I was also ignorant at some points in my life, and I still am on some topics BUT NOT on this one so please let's keep our mind open and clear IRL (=・ω・=)
(my rant ends here... I'm open for discussion not for baseless insults)