The sisters were also just kids. It was completely natural for them to feel jealous of their little brother. And how do you expect those sisters, who were also kids, and were being treated as lesser people than their younger brother, to have any kind of understanding for him. In their eyes he was being handed everything they wanted on a platter. He was loved and cherished by their father, hailed as a heir despite being the youngest. How can you expect the sisters to both withstand that mistreatment in their own homes, by their own father and still ask of them for "understanding" the brother? That's asking too much of them.

I mean the impression I got that was that the sisters were smart, I mean one of them even succeeded in going to medical school, my idea is that they should have aimed to get out of the family and tried to make something on their own.
When you have a powerful father who has a *ahem* "traditional" mindset, it was obvious from the beginning that he would never accept them, at least not for an heir
Instead it seemed they focused their rage at the situation towards bullying their little brother? Idk, it's a case where I empathise with them being bullied by their own parents, sexist a holes, but my impression is that they were angry and they decided to take it own on someone they believed to be weaker and lesser than them - in that sense hurting someone else for the sake of your own pain is not something to necessarily excuse?
It's just petty, for heaven sake, the older sister said he was a useless birth, wouldn't let him even touch her, and the younger sister seemed to physically bully him - if he felt isolated from his parents cause he didn't really want to go into medicine - you say his father loved him but from my impression of the dialogue, he didn' love him so much as the idea of a male heir, and his sisters isolated him as well cause they were jealous of him - well...
If they weren't related, and he was some random stranger, would their actions be excusable then? The impression I get is that they bullied someone else because they were bullied.
The bottomline is no one was really innocent in the whole situation, especially the parents who were TERRIBLE, but it's just one chapter so we need to see more of the sisters, and brothers interaction before really making a decision, if the sisters acted more viciously than we saw in this chapter, or if the brother bothered trying to make up with his sisters and vice versa etc, there's too many factors to know the true depth of why the sisters' characters have been written that way

It is obvious to YOU as a reader, that their father would not accept them. It definitely wasn't obvious to them, and even if it was, he was still their father. It is understandable that they continued to long for and try to gain his approval. Everyone is desperate for parental approval, especially as kids, and especially when one of your sibling gets it while you don't.
"they should have aimed to get out of the family"?? Why? That is their family too. If their younger brother is getting something why shouldn't they desire for it too?
None of the sisters physically abused him... One sister pinched him ONCE and for that ONE bruise her father beat her soooo bad that her legs were lined with bruises, she had to actually lie down to recover not to mention the mental anguish that she had to go through to realise that she is a lesser person than him to her father. That while it is unacceptable for their father to even see a bruise on him he is perfectly alright with hurting her, especially if it is for their brother. No wonder that they hated him.
"They focused their rage on their brother". First of all, other than making a few mean remarks and doing petty things to relieve their frustration they didn't even do anything major to him. They were living as 2nd class citizens in their own home, and being told everyday, directly and indirectly, by their father that they were less important than their brother. And despite dealing with all of that if you ask from them to not feel resentful of him then that's just unrealistic. You are asking for them to be saints.
The sisters didn't take out their anger on their brother because he was weaker. Even as a little boy he was infinitely more powerful than them. He could cry once and have the sisters physically punished. They were resentful of him because his existence, his birth was the reason for their misery. It wasn't his fault, most definitely. That doesn't change the fact that it WAS his presence that was aggravating. Seeing day in and day out that he was being showered with care and their father bragging about him. Their father was bragging about his son at the party for their daughter's medical school acceptance. How can they not feel resentful of him.
If it was some stranger they obviously wouldn't care. They care BECAUSE he is their brother. That despite being born to the same parents in the same family he is being given the opportunities and the treatment that they long for. And like I said no one physically abused him. And while I feel bad for him that he didn't get his sister's love and acceptance, it pales in comparison when I think that his sisters didn't even get their father's.
They didn't hurt him just cuz they were hurt themselves. It's not that trivial. To them his very presence in that house was actively the reason that they were suffering.
I agree that forcing their son down a career path was not love. But I'm sure that for his sisters who wanted to be doctors and work in their father's hospital that's what it would've seemed like.
I think to some degree the only ones really at fault are the parents. While the sisters were mean I would put them in the same category as the chef. The kids are first and foremost victims. I hope that we get some flashbacks about his family too. The author really managed to put in so much into a single chapter and really did make me like and understand the Chef a lot more.

Yes, you're right. But jealousy and harassment are different things. I have a sister, I know exactly what it means being jealous and angry cause the other has always more attention than you, but I never blamed her for this. I blamed my parents, and also told them few times when I was really angry, so they started to balance the attentions. When I was young, my mother was always paying attention only to my older sister, cause she didn't want her to feel left apart after I was born, and payed me little attention. I wasn't angry at my sister, I was angry at my mother, and I remember it very well. So I don't know if I was too smart for my age, but, knowing how I acted when I was really young, I blame the sisters for being like that. They still bullied him even though the fault wasn't his.

First of all they didn't bully him. Like I said, one of the sisters got beat up by her dad for pinching him ONCE. I doubt they would've ever done anything to him physically. If anything she is the victim here.
Also imagine living in fear of your younger sibling. How much power he had over his sisters just because he was born a male. How were they supposed to play with him or accept him if they were to get so badly punished if he got even just a little bit hurt. Why should they show kindness to the person because of whom they were suffering. THEY WERE KIDS TOO. Only an adult can have the maturity to understand that it was not the brother but the father in the wrong.
Saying mean things to your brother because he is being treated as more of a person than you is also not bullying. He was favoured by the father, had affection and opportunities and support from his father that his sisters never had. You people are completely ignoring just how much more he had than his sisters. At least he was not living as a 2nd class citizen in his very own house.
I'm not trying to be mean here but I really wonder if you can't see the difference between your situation and this one. Like the girls here could've begged and cried and bled and the father still wouldn't have cared as much for them because it is not about affection or attention. It was about living in a house where because of your sex you are deemed inferior, treated as lesser human beings, considered less competent despite working twice as hard, being made to realise that it matters less if you are hurt, denied the same opportunities, all the while they had to see their little brother being treated better day in and day out.

To all your words, I'd like to add that the boy wasn't an angel either. He was actively exploiting father's affection and using that to his advantage. Like, he was just pinched and he was already wailing and crying that got one of the sisters to be whipped or beaten. When one of them spoiled his cake, he attacked her knowing full well that she can do absolutely nothing to him back. I'm not saying that the sisters are right but he is not some poor martyr.
I do feel bad for the sisters, but from the way it looks, it's the same reasoning for people who defend bullies, they suffered, so they made their little brother suffer as well - saying that you didn't deserve to be born - that's pretty rough - if he had purposely antagonised the sisters could empathise better (maybe more chapters will reveal other sides to the story) but it seems the entire family - mom and dad's marriage included was very toxic