do you think it's amon who was the 'something' that ate the ghouls that escaped from the a...

anonberry June 1, 2015 3:08 pm

do you think it's amon who was the 'something' that ate the ghouls that escaped from the auction site? it could be possible.

and yay! hinami is finally with her big brother. i think she was with ayato just to find kaneki so it ended well for her.

    Anonymous June 1, 2015 3:23 pm

    definately anon. wonder what his relation is with yasuhisa now

    anonberry June 1, 2015 5:01 pm

    im just basing the on the body build. but i could be wrong. but ooooh, i so want to be write about amon. like maybe he escaped or something and was cannibalizing like what kaneki did before because he refused to eat humans.

    Hana-Lily June 1, 2015 5:18 pm

    Yeah, I think it's Amon as well. He probably did survive on cannibalism, I wonder if he developed into a kakuja?

    MissJenny June 1, 2015 10:14 pm, I think it's Amon as well. He probably did survive on cannibalism, I wonder if he developed into a kakuja? Hana-Lily

    I agree, since Amon has such an antagonizing nature against ghouls it makes more sense that if he switched over to being a ghoul, that he would resort to cannibalism over killing humans... Interesting development (:

    anonberry June 2, 2015 4:33 pm

    lol.. i reread my posts and noticed that i have been writing homonyms instead of the correct words. haha. fail.

    well, im looking forward to what ishida-sensei has in store for us. it seems that tg is selling well anyways. and she has a habit of mind-fucking the readers and screwing the characters over.

    we are still in the middle of a roller coaster ride here. heheh

    i really want to know what happened to amon and hide. darn.