This is fucking hurts. I love this guy for ten years and I thought that I'll wait for us t...

lea June 1, 2015 11:58 am

This is fucking hurts.
I love this guy for ten years and I thought that I'll wait for us to graduate college and in the that time will make my self better before confessing. But Im so stupid stupid stupid. Im a woman and that didn't work like that. He has his own life for godsake. Why did I think that by making myself better would make us end up together. I can't even express myself properly. But I so love him. I can't even make myself love someone else. I've met other guys but no matter how good-looking and kind they are to me, he's always the one I want.
And now he's getting married. And I don't know what to feel. Angry? I don't have the rights. Sad? I'm beyond that. Happy? Part of me is happy but that part is swallowed by jealousy. Why can't it be me?
I have loved him longer. Its so heart-breaking. Im so stupid for thinking like this. He isn't mine.
I miss his "Good Night"s and "Good Morning"s, his "Sweet Dreams" and "Have a happy day". I guess everyone who's in love always misunderstood words like that. I don't know anymore...

    Kaoru Hitachiin June 1, 2015 12:13 pm

    This message is really deep :'(. I know, letting go isn't that easy, I, myself find that hard too. Life is just filled with surprises, may those be bad or good. I'm sorry to hear about you and the guy you like :(, hopefully, someday, you will move on (not instantly but hopefully). I know this reply may not be a big help for you, but, hopefully, I helped you a little bit. (and yeah, I say "hopefully" many times ._.)

    Tellzz June 1, 2015 12:14 pm

    LEA!!! I can't say I know how you feel, because everyone is different and reacts differently. But I've liked this guy since the third grade and hah honestly I hated him at the beginning, but I don't know...Love sure is strange. I sat next to him in every single class and he always smiled cheerfully to cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood and yeah it was those small things that made me love him more...But in high school, I've noticed him looking at beautiful girls, so I also decided to become beautiful before confessing...Before I knew it, I moved to another high school And in the middle of the year, I almost died. He was going to MOVE!! You know...what hurts the most is...before he left, he walked past my house as if it were a last chance. But I didn't know how to react, so I didn't. And that was the last time I saw him. I mean really! If I weren't such a coward and called out to him, maybe, just maybe he wouldn't have left. Now he's in another continent, made new friends, meets even more beautiful people and I'm here, drowning in regret. I don't know how you feel, Lea, but I know the feeling of loving someone and you can't do anything about that.

    nekonekota June 1, 2015 12:20 pm

    i'm sorry to hear that.. I hope you'll find another man soon. It sure hurts to know someone you loved for a long time get married to somebody else... I haven't experience it yet so I don't know exactly what it feels like but I hope you won't dwell in your sadness too long. Please cheer up

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 1, 2015 12:20 pm

    People who are obsessed with the person they've fixated upon with their fascination — and that's not 'love' in any case, no matter how tender one's heart feels toward that person, because it's self-absorbed — will often think that casual little comments and acts of kindness have special meaning and that their feelings are reciprocated. It doesn't work that way. Good life lesson, there.

    So, experience the pain of your grief and loss and let yourself have a good cry or two ... and then cut off the source of that sadness and stop wallowing, or it will drag you down. If you find yourself thinking about him, do a difficult activity that takes up all your focus so you have no attention to give to him or your feelings toward him. If you feel lonely, attend social functions and put yourself out there for others to meet. Start showing some of your qualities to other men, so that you can at least have male friendships.

    Also, be more proactive in the future. If you want a relationship with someone, let them know: TELL them! Don't assume they can read your invisible lurv-waves (or instead, if you're being really obvious, assume that they've noticed and are ignoring you because they don't share them.) Just don't put yourself in that situation again.

    lea June 1, 2015 12:27 pm
    This message is really deep :'(. I know, letting go isn't that easy, I, myself find that hard too. Life is just filled with surprises, may those be bad or good. I'm sorry to hear about you and the guy you like ... Kaoru Hitachiin

    Thank you so much, I really mean it.

    Kaoru Hitachiin June 1, 2015 12:33 pm
    Thank you so much, I really mean it. @lea

    Glad I could help, even a lil bit :)

    lea June 1, 2015 12:34 pm
    LEA!!! I can't say I know how you feel, because everyone is different and reacts differently. But I've liked this guy since the third grade and hah honestly I hated him at the beginning, but I don't know...Love... Tellzz

    Thank you for sharing your story as well. It trully is hard to see someone we love go and we can't do anything to make them stop.

    lea June 1, 2015 12:35 pm
    i'm sorry to hear that.. I hope you'll find another man soon. It sure hurts to know someone you loved for a long time get married to somebody else... I haven't experience it yet so I don't know exactly what it ... nekonekota

    Thank you

    lea June 1, 2015 12:38 pm
    People who are obsessed with the person they've fixated upon with their fascination — and that's not 'love' in any case, no matter how tender one's heart feels toward that person, because it's self-absorbed �... I Thot You Was a Toad

    That's so nice of you. Thank you vmuch.

    《Lilium》๑۩۞۩๑ June 1, 2015 12:46 pm

    It is very painful indeed but I think that for your own sake you should still confess. By now it is already too late to hope for anything but you should go and confront him. Tell him that you are very happy for him, that you wish him plenty of happiness not only because he deserves it but because he has been a special person in your heart and that his presence in your life made you want to become an even better person.
    Tell him that you don't want to create an awkward situation but you're confessing - even late as it is and even though you know that it won't lead to the outcome you've wanted - because you still want him to know how important he has been for you. You can break the tension then by saying something in a jokingly tone like for instance: I sure do envy her and the next guy I'll fall in love with has some big shoes to fill. Of course, you won't hear the words you've always wanted to hear but by confronting the situation head on you'll let out some of your pent-up emotions. It'll help you deal with reality better and move on. Today is probably the most awful day in your life but if you make just an extra small effort to start the recovery process by confronting him, then letting go by accepting that he is happy and that some day you'll be even happier when you meet your fated one, then today won't seem as bad as it does.

    anisha nisa June 1, 2015 12:55 pm

    Oh dear.. I feel sorry for you
    I had aguy like dat but no so long as 10 years.
    I still like him though but don't know as friends or lovers.
    Our friendship more or less 'ended' becoz of a misunderstanding

    NowI thought if I told him my real feelings be it I'm gonna get dummped or it's a laughing stock in my class (cause he's way too short n I'm way too tall) I juz thought dat if I'm near him n laugh like we always do n 'play' like we always do was fine n if he ever did get girl friend well, I'm upset cause he'll be lovey-dovey wif her..

    But I think I'll remind those idot couples dat I love him juz to be sure?

    Well sorry I'm juz bitching about my problems

    Y don u tell him now? Is he married? Well I know it takes courage n who nows how he'll react
    But is better to tell him n let ur heart out? Cause having dis feeling, can't turn left nor right it's hard..
    Srry again if I offended! Pls reply I wanna hear ur thoughts..

    lea June 1, 2015 1:01 pm
    It is very painful indeed but I think that for your own sake you should still confess. By now it is already too late to hope for anything but you should go and confront him. Tell him that you are very happy for... 《Lilium》๑۩۞۩๑

    I'll try my best. But I think I can't do this face to face so I'll write a letter instead. Maybe before the wedding? I think their moment should only consists of the two of them.

    《Lilium》๑۩۞۩๑ June 1, 2015 1:43 pm
    I'll try my best. But I think I can't do this face to face so I'll write a letter instead. Maybe before the wedding? I think their moment should only consists of the two of them. @lea

    I see Lea, I understand how tough confronting him might be but I hope that you'll reconsider doing it face to face for two reasons. First, a face to face confrontation is more impacting, facial expressions and eyes convey much more than words. After 10 years of suffering silently, you owe it to yourself to stand by yourself and finally voice your feelings without fear of being rejected or what the other person will say. Do it under the light because your feelings are important and should come out in the light bluntly and courageously. A simple cold paper won't do the trick. Even if your tears fall down, it is okay. Don't hide your feelings anymore, don't hide your tears and don't hide your weaknesses. Summon your courage and don't withdraw until you do it. I know you can do it, you're cooler and tougher than you think you are. Second, as a character builder, I used to be a super shy person so I understand. If you do things head on and face to face, this is a step towards becoming bolder and confident in the future. It also gives you a sense of security because you'll feel that no matter how tough a situation is, how embarrassing it might be, you can still face it and handle its consequences because you taught yourself to be strong and tough.
    And yes .... definitely do it before the wedding.

    lea June 1, 2015 2:45 pm
    Oh dear.. I feel sorry for youI had aguy like dat but no so long as 10 years.I still like him though but don't know as friends or lovers.Our friendship more or less 'ended' becoz of a misunderstandingNowI thoug... anisha nisa

    Don't worry I'm not offended at all. I think you should reconsider confessing to him? You know, in your case it is not too late.
    Thanks, btw.

    Beansprout June 1, 2015 2:48 pm

    I really know that feeling ,my heart really hurts when u just imagined that his world is filled with better stuff,like those cheerful, smart girls.girls . I mean their really pretty ,outgoing and social.

    His world and mine is sometime too different :(

    lea June 1, 2015 2:49 pm
    I see Lea, I understand how tough confronting him might be but I hope that you'll reconsider doing it face to face for two reasons. First, a face to face confrontation is more impacting, facial expressions and ... 《Lilium》๑۩۞۩๑

    Honestly, I am afraid. What if all those feelings resurfaces? I knew myself well to know that I have the tendency to break down and cry if I ever met him again. Its hard but I'll give it a thought all over again.

    lea June 1, 2015 2:55 pm
    I really know that feeling ,my heart really hurts when u just imagined that his world is filled with better stuff,like those cheerful, smart girls.girls . I mean their really pretty ,outgoing and social.His wor... @Beansprout


    《Lilium》๑۩۞۩๑ June 1, 2015 3:14 pm
    Honestly, I am afraid. What if all those feelings resurfaces? I knew myself well to know that I have the tendency to break down and cry if I ever met him again. Its hard but I'll give it a thought all over agai... @lea

    It is good that you are willing to consider this. I know that your feelings might resurface, most people are like that, only a few number of people manage to control their emotions from flowing. I am from the latter group and I don't mind. However, I always think about not being a victim even if the situation is really hurtful, I think about becoming resourceful and consider each tough situation like a challenge which can be overcome. All life challenges have solutions, they might not be the ones we want but at least almost anything can be turned into a stepping stone for a happier life. That is why I told you to do it face to face, I hope that you can turn this into a stepping stone for a happier life where you are never afraid of voicing your feelings and where you'll try to change only because you want to and not because you want someone to like you. The way you are now is enough, if a person doesn't like you the way you are, then that's his loss ... Hence you should really reconsider it and I hope that'll you gain something valuable from this: becoming a go-ahead person who takes things into her own hands. Good luck ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    I Thot You Was a Toad June 2, 2015 12:19 am
    That's so nice of you. Thank you vmuch. @lea

    Well, 10 years of single-minded devotion is a major act of will and focus and spiritual dedication, and heartbreak is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. I just want to say that you are not alone, but this is also a place where people undergo one of the most difficult times of psychic peril in their lives, even for far less than 10 years of one's life. By psychic peril, I mean that grief can metastasize into depression, a physiological condition where the brain is automatically wired to a setting of despair. I keep thinking of all those myths and fairy tales of mermaids and sirens sitting on the shoals and dangerous rocks and luring sailors to their deaths ... it is easy to succumb to those "siren songs" of feelings of love and joy and sweet dreams of life together, but when you come face to face with the loss of your dream, you can also "drown" (despair), or get "torn to pieces on sharp rocks" (self-loathing and insecurity.) So guard your soul. Own your grief, but move on as quickly as you can, because it is dangerous to linger there.

    anisha nisa June 2, 2015 3:24 pm
    Don't worry I'm not offended at all. I think you should reconsider confessing to him? You know, in your case it is not too late. Thanks, btw. @lea

    Well I think it's too late since he's in different skol n we're so far apart
    Hahahahaha don worry about me
    Thx! U too don worry too much *hugs*