I really feel for the guy

Bukubukuchagama November 4, 2020 6:01 pm

Damn it's so frustrating seeing them fawn over siege, like yeah he saved a kid. But MC saved the CITY. It reminds me of how much bs there is in a lot of isekai. MC should just slaughter everyone repeatedly until the operaters give in and bring him back to his own world. Corrupt siege hike he's at it.

    Joethejerker November 5, 2020 12:58 am

    So im not the only crazy mf thinking that way

    angel1 November 5, 2020 6:16 am

    well in all honesty he did cause the monster rampage in the first place so he doesnt really deserve the reputation in this case.

    but i definitely agree he shoulda been sent back after the 2nd time.

    if he had been sent back after the 1st time we wouldnt have a story, but when he finished the 2nd time he shoulda been sent back after they realized he wasnt gonna be their ideal hero...