im confused tho did the child really die? or is it jake's daughter or what omg is it kyle'...

cuepotato November 4, 2020 8:13 am

im confused tho did the child really die? or is it jake's daughter or what omg is it kyle's or is it both? sean had twins so huh? omg hshjsnsns

    mskuroobokutooikawa_ November 5, 2020 7:54 pm

    Literally so confused lmao. That motherfucker of a dude that has a wife...I think his "son" is actually Sean's kid. There was a flashback where he was holding a kid and gave it to a woman that worked under a really rich person.

    cuepotato November 7, 2020 3:55 am
    Literally so confused lmao. That motherfucker of a dude that has a wife...I think his "son" is actually Sean's kid. There was a flashback where he was holding a kid and gave it to a woman that worked under a re... mskuroobokutooikawa_

    yeah he is sean's child

    Nu NaMei November 10, 2020 1:59 pm

    yea the first kid of sean's died then the twins... errr jake probably cuz sean approves ;-;