I don't disagree, I didn't say Chelsea had to forgive her, but again Margaret is again only 12. She been told her whole life that this treatment of her sister was normal and justified. She's having that view challenge for the first time ever. While I don't think Chelsea needs to forgive her, I would like to see a story where the "Golden Child" actually realizes what they were taught is bs.

In my opinion, I think she shouldn’t be excused, yes her punishment should be a little lighter because the main problem was the mother, but Margaret decided that every problem was caused by the MC. Just because her upbringing was problematic and terrible, it doesn’t excuse her behavior, as she could have thought that hitting others was weird since most other people don’t hit their siblings like that. But all in all, I don’t think she should be punished heavily, but she should definitely not be excused for her behaviors, she has physically and verbally abused the MC and even attempted to kill her, so either way, she should still be punished, but definitely not the life sentence or death penalty, just maybe some jail time or labor work.
I know we all justifiably hate the sister but she is only 12, and has only been around her mom's influence her whole life. I really think she'd have good chance for redemption since she's away from her mother, and has better influences around her.