Also the spolier was
The ML slept/had sex with the FL ex best friend and ML is also tryna get the FL to quit her job. Yet the female lead is still staying with him after he had sex with the ex best friend. Like idk why they made the female lead so dumb why is she still with him after what he did. I really don’t like the ML i still ship the female lead with his ex friend who was a bully. And the cheaters deserves each other.

The shit with him telling her to just stop painting pissed me off too, like that is her passion, why would you say that?! Her paintings are the whole reason they met in the first place. Also he didn’t sleep with Mu Li (Ex-Best Friend) she drugged him and put him in her bed but they didn’t have sex. It was all a ploy so when He Xiao (Ex-Bully) and Li Su/Liwo (FL) showed up to her apartment they would find them their and believe that they had slept together when they hadn’t. Mu Li even later tried to claim that she was pregnant with Chen Chen’s (ML) baby when it was actually Yi Ye’s (Asshole Painter).
This whole thing was just a lot. I started reading it forever ago and then they suddenly updated like 40 chapters so I continued reading but I agree Li Su definitely could’ve done better. He Xiao was truly the only one on her side through this.
Truthfully the only reason why I continue reading this is because it reminded me of this drama called “She was pretty” but this story is just pissing me off especially Liwo (or whatever her name is) ex friend. I understand that the friend caught feelings for the ml but it just disgusting that you would ruin your CHILDHOOD best friend life all over a boy especially when that boy was never yours to begin with. And then the ML I read a spoiler about him and bruh i just really hate him after reading that. Idc if it was an accident or not he still did it and if i were the female lead i would have dumped him. Truthfully i ship the FL with the guy that bully her and help her become “beautiful” (even though she was already beautiful) and speaking of that idk why these manga always do these cliché plot where the main lead is considered ugly just because they wear glasses or have Freckles. But once they take off their glasses or wear makeup they’re magically “beautiful” i just wanna read one manga where they continue wearing their glasses and not change themselves.