both mls are annoying

Fawne November 3, 2020 5:59 am

both souta and tatsumi are selfish and dont ever consider how rizu feels being torn between them and their antics, ESPECIALLY SOUTA AND HIS FLIPFLOPPING ATTITUDE. rizu is literally the ONLY person who is consistently honest and straight up w her feelings and i wld appreciate this sooo much more (given how diff she is from the typical shoujo heroine’s personality) if the MLs weren’t so shitty. i didnt expect much from a cliche shoujo manga... the gag scenes in the beginning were at least funny but it’s getting too irritating now. im rooting for rizu x the cute girl that loves her bye LOL

    HitMe_ November 3, 2020 11:58 am

    Yeah i stopped reading after chapter 8 dhshdh