tbh i like both the side couples better than the main...idk why but i just love the side o...

iloveanime✨ November 3, 2020 3:42 am

tbh i like both the side couples better than the main...idk why but i just love the side ones

    nary November 3, 2020 3:52 am

    Same. In fact....I read only a few chapters about the main couple then I stopped. I can’t stand the main uke for some reason. But I’m here for the side stories. lol I don’t know who they are but a few exchanges between the characters helped.

    iloveanime✨ November 3, 2020 5:31 pm
    Same. In fact....I read only a few chapters about the main couple then I stopped. I can’t stand the main uke for some reason. But I’m here for the side stories. lol I don’t know who they are but a few ex... nary

    ya, the main uke is kinda annoying and brat tbh...Dojin is doing all this stuff for u and u still cant give him like a little respect, and he is also mad that he is pregnant but its not even Dojin' sfault cause ur the one who went to his room

    nary November 3, 2020 6:12 pm
    ya, the main uke is kinda annoying and brat tbh...Dojin is doing all this stuff for u and u still cant give him like a little respect, and he is also mad that he is pregnant but its not even Dojin' sfault cause... iloveanime✨

    I don’t know how ppl think annoying, whining little ukes are adorable. XD I can’t stand them like I can’t stand semes that gotta always be right when they’re in the wrong.