Omg ikr?! I couldn't have said it better myself. I honestly felt like Taku was suspicious since the beginning like he had ulterior motives. He manipulated heesoo and tried to guilt trip him many times. Heesoo and Joowon had a past together and they're not step brothers anymore. They never even thought if each other as brothers. I understand that Joowon was a d*ck towards Heesoo in the beginning of their relationship and Joowon has realized that now too and is trying to make up for it. He's trying to change himself for the better. I just wish for them to be happy but I am kind of on team joowon or team therapy. I still can't help but not trust taku fully because he seems like he hides a lot of things and manipulates people so he can get what he wants (which i don't like). Well this whole manhwa was so stressful to read like I just wanted to (╯°Д °)╯╧╧. It's really well written but like my heart can't take this ┗( T﹏T )┛
Ahh I see there's still some clowns spewing the most stupid and outdated shit such as, 'tHey wEre STep bRoTheRs!11!", and "jOoWoN iS mAniPulaTive aNd aBusiVe!111!1". Bitch don't you think you misattribute those traits to him instead of Taku? How, for God's sake HOW THE FUCK is Joowon manipulative when fucking Mophead is the one who:
1. Basically stalked Haesoo by arranging a meet up specifically requesting to be interviewed by him and planned to TOY with him while he's staying in Korea with the aim for a quick fling in mind, just like how he USED and MANIPULATED his models for his own gain and broke things off with them once he reached his ends leaving them broken and devastated. He was planning to do the same to Haesoo. He thinks of relationship as candy, something that he could keep moving on from for a new one once the sweetness and pleasure from the old one is gone.
2. Tried to play a sick mindgame with Haesoo when he told him he had a porn online and encouraged him to look for and watch it just to get him interested. What a fucking creep. If it were me I would've fled the scene in a matter of seconds like my life depended on it.
3. Later on it was revealed that he told Haesoo about that porno of his so that Haesoo may use that to write an expose about him and so he in return could guilt trip him with it and force the poor guy into dating him. Taku had planned everything to snatch Haesoo from the very beginning and was even willing to use a guilt-trip card to achieve his end and if that isn't enough manipulation to you then idk what is
4. Continued to manipulate Haesoo the entire goddamn time when he attempted to evoke emotions from Haesoo for the interest of his job.
6. Emotionally manipulated him by begging and pressuring him into a fake sad trial relationship even after he initially refused because Taku is selfish and couldn't respect Haesoo's choices and feelings.
7. Knows damn well Haesoo has 0 (zero) feelings for him and is still in love with Joowon but is still UNWILLING to let him go because he's only thinking of himself that GRADE A SELFISH BASTARD
8. Is attempting to tie him down in the fake relationship by buying him a ring for his unstable PRETEND relationship. Seriously Taku's guilt tripping game is ON POINT I am perplexed.
Taku is a literal representation of a sociopath and you STILL think Joowon is manipulative??? Y'all need glasses and actual reading comprehension skills. And I wouldn't even bother addressing the step brother "issue". The story has made it very clear since chp 1 what their status is now and at this point you're just making a clown of yourself by nitpicking because you're out of good reasons to bring JxH down and support your problematic unhealthy af ship. Pathetic.