I agree with you but I still think it’s important to remember that everyone’s different. Everyone has their own personality and experiences regardless of their identity. I get what you mean with this manga (whether done consciously or not) being catered to cis (maybe het too) people where the girl is this perfect naive, cute, girl who isn’t “too trans” like with her having the perfect cis-like body and all of the surgeries done without actually showing what the experience was like but I still think there are for sure some girls out there who have the same kind of personality and needs as her. Whether trans or cis. I still think it’s a cute manga. Sure it doesn’t have the best representation out there but I don’t think the author meant for it to be that in the first place. I think they just wanted to make a cute smutty story that just happened to have a trans character as the lead!
I loved this story as a trans woman. It was done with finesse and knowledge. However. Just because she is a woman....I dont feel like they had to make her character so.....
Bland and predictable.
Why does she have to be this "ideal" image and personality of what MEN FIND attractive. Why couldn't she be a little more gritty. I find this problem in a lot of straight Manga.
Women...trans or cis, are simplified to cooking, being nice, not even fighting back when almost raped....they have no interests outside of girly shit.
Being transgender is unique and hella hard. Trans women have more spirit and witt, sass because of that.
I just don't see a trans woman...realistically being as naive as her in certain situations.
Im here for the positive representation. Im.not here for the one dimensional trans character.
She was so sweet to the point....it reads like a fairytale. Give her some anger. Give her some fight. Most trans women alive right now or not being a hermit, is because we fought to be here...live and in color