So the first baby daddy is also the second baby daddy?
Although the time between her escape from the Viscount’s house and how she ends up in front of the Emperor hasn’t been clarified. Could something have happened then?
Please omg I’ll take all the spoilers for this one. My blood pressure can only handle so many chapters of Trashta and Emperor Trashoe a day. Thank you in advance (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

yes, the second baby is also allen's child, though they won't know that until much much later because sovieshit is infertile so how could trashta have gotten preggy if he's infertile??? apparently when she was going out because of that count whatever the f his name is she was also meeting allen too ( I think I can't really remember what the spoiler said but I know for a fact she was meeting him ) and once sovieshit finds this out he has trashta executed because you can't pass another kid as the emperor's kid so now sovieshit is all alone in that big palace, ALSO MAJOR FING SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!! the reason trashta was sovieshit's lover was because navier & sovi couldn't get pregnant, his plan was to divorce navi and then make trashta queen for the year and once they had a baby he would divorce her and remarry navi but instead of telling navi of this master fcking plan he decided to,,, push her into another man's arms and now looks hella stupid

Oh hot damn. Emperor Trashoe had it coming though. I did get that far in the novel and I remember saying “you stupid shit, discuss the plan with Navier” but he makes the excuse that he doesn’t have the time to explain it to her. Like he seriously expected her to sit around as a deposed Empress and have no dignity that she’d come running back to him after that year of Trashta being a lousy Empress passed. Just so this child could be considered an heir. Honestly, Navier deserved so much better and I’m so happy she runs with Heinley when she gets the chance. All of their encounters are so sweet too (≧∀≦)
I heard somewhere that it is not actually the emperor's kid and that he is actually infertile. Can someone who has read the novel tell me whether it is just a random made up stuff or a fact?