I was kind of confused about the “taste” thing. But other than that it’s really good...

Cjx November 1, 2020 2:05 pm

I was kind of confused about the “taste” thing. But other than that it’s really good!

    yomum November 7, 2020 8:47 am

    uhhh so from what I’m getting is that he went into stress from his bf and messing up w works which gave him that tasting disorder thingy, and mike also messed up the ingredients in the bento so ya

    eliphaslevi November 19, 2020 5:12 am

    I have experienced it once, because I was soo stressed I can't taste what I ate, it tasted horrible, I ate only because I have to, I just chewed a few times, swallowed and down it with water. Terrible experience but it eventually get better after my stress level went down