I FEEL EMBARESSED FOR THEM, the fact that they harshly responded to my comment on a fictional character and would rather defend a hentai and lines on paper going to lengths to attack someone online baselessly deciding to body shame me as a insult for a silly petty argument without thinking ONCE that it might trigger someone or me. Like find a fucking hobby. Istg people actually get pressed when I make fun of a small dick? Make it make sense honestly. I speak with discourse/tumblr and twitter experience LET ME TELL Y'ALL IT'S A DAILY BATTLE. FUCKING MINEFIELD.

you speaking about your life outside this app as if nobody else here has one two. Idc. Chile you bodyshamed me intentionally or not. You have no idea how many people could've gotten triggered and did something stupid. Know what you type before posting it miss gurlllll and yes me making a joke about a dick size and you want to start a discourse about it? Like nani bitch wut, people have their preferences. What gives, just scroll away if you didn't like my comment. It's a fucking joke about a FICTIONAL dick not a world crisis. Sort thy priorities :)

WHO ARE YOU EVEN REPLYING TO, MY NEW FOUND MOOTS DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING BRUH. PICK A STRUGGLE. Making others feel bad about their body is bodyshaming clown. How does one bodyshame a fictional character. You ain't even a dude and you pressed. Everyone takes criticism and jokes on this site with a grain of salt because everything we read here IS NOT ALIVE OR BREATHING JESUS you fr tried to defend a non-existent person while unintentionally hurting others on impulse of TRYING TO DEFEND A NOT REAL JACKASS

aight imma say it don't assume my pronouns I'm genderfluid and I go by they/them. I use they/them as a default for others because I don't want to offend anyone and before you say I misgendered you and automatically assumed you were female(tho you did say you were) I didn't. I said miss gurl and girlie. It's an internet slang which I use for every gender because there are no limits. Learn the internet dude. Miss girl is like snowflake but in a more shocked tone of speech :)

oi you literally said this "Why do I feel like your not even over 25 and probably a virgin but say why do u feel pleasure". There are asexual people that don't need sexual gratification or just single people dumbass. People don't need to pop their cherry to have opinions on fictional dicks lmfao. I was sexually harassed as a child by various people in front of people I trusted and if I were a r*pe victim do you know how much this could've hurt me? Or someone else ?

Finally admitting you just dumb sigh finally we can sleep peacefully now. You're comments were invalid because....
Firstly, I made a joke about a non-existent dick.
Secondly, the owner of that dick is a jackass which was why I made that joke. I wasn't being hypocritical about anyone's pp because nobody in the right mind would go up to real men to make fun of their dicks because its mean DUMBER people would try to defend a FICTIONAL dick that was being used in context of sarcastic dark humor meant not to insult all dicks but just one specific NOT REAL PERSON LMFAO can't believe I have to explain this sigh
Thirdly, you couldn't even understand argots that I used like Miss Girl. You literally took it seriously and I can't help but laugh at you.
FINALLY, you're comment on protecting a non-existent person is invalid because you were hurting real people in the process without realizing it cos you were trying to impulsively prove that size doesn't matter. Bitch stfu, people can have whatever preferences they want. They don't even have to like dicks. You fr tried to defend a NON-EXISTENT dick and ended up misgendering and body shaming others because you were 'trying' to prove a point. There was no point made. This thread just shows that you can't understand context and you jump to conclusions. What was worse was you said you didn't even read the story yet and you had the audacity to TRY to defend a not real dick. Real quirky. Good job, you hurt others and you're victimizing yourself by saying you were only trying to 'prove a point' nu-uh bitch don't make me snatch up your past comments and write an essay on why everything you said was uneducated and problematic. Toxic mf :/ Shameless...

bro you realize that I mentioned I was making fun of ONE NON-EXISTENT DICK hundred of times yet you portray your point in real life context. If men do that irl, they're stereotypical and problematic but women like you using it to 'prove a point' shows how problematic you are. Literally said fictional a hundred times and you keep saying oh don't get mad when this happens to women. Pack it up weirdo. You suddenly dragged women stereotypes into this after telling me that I don't care if men make fun of my body because I was born with it as if it's a bad thing? Pick a struggle.

you fr tryna victimize yourself now? It's an argot sweetie look it up I didn't use it in context of actually calling you a mental patient. Don't fucking twist my words to victimize yourself hunny, I never once said mentally ill people were dumb. Just because they were used in the same paragraph doesn't mean they're related dar :) But yes you are toxic :)

what does that have to do with a fictional penis? everyone is criticizing the character not only because he has a small dick literally, but he has figuratively small dick because he drugs girls at his club to “serve” to his vips to take advantage of. nothing about this conversation makes sense on ur part. you’re ignorant and keep trying to argue about a character that everyone could and should agree is a piece of shit, and his girlfriend will find out and dump his ass. that’s all that needs to be said. don’t bring irl bodies into it when the character (no matter what fictional dick size) has a figuratively small dick. thank u

and to add; this is all fictional and you defending an accomplice in rape, no matter if you’re a woman or not, is very off putting. the topic that this argument has spiraled under is very straight forward and based on opinion which you seem to care dearly about. so the argument that dick size shouldn’t be made fun of and it’s preference by what you like regarding size is completely canceling each other out. you can’t be upset at someone’s opinion on size when your argument includes that “size is a preference”
ew why is the sister so satisfied with her boyfriend's tiny ass pp