so uhm the novel and comic is pretty different like the storyline changed in the later half of the comic but-
Lucas and Athy end up together (in the novel idk if they’re gonna end up here too tho) and claude in the novel got his memories back because Lucas stabbed him (idk if he stabbed him i kind of forgot) with the branch of the tree that he went to before on Athanasia’s birthday (so yeah like unlike here where Jenette came to comfort Claude,on the novel Lucas came on Athanasia’s birthday at night and made claudes memories come back with the branch for her birthday as some kind of like a gift) that’s all I can spoil for now because I forgot about some certain things but I hope you understand my explanation and for some novel readers out there, you can correct me if I’m wrong with some of my spoils here :>>>
I need some spoilers. Can someone spoil me please :<