ok SPOILER AHEAD- He let his enemies beat our Suyeong up (including stabbing), because then Suyeong would learn his lesson and can't leave his side, Taesung knew they were coming and said to his subordinate to leave it be, Minhyuk end up being there to save Suyeong. :((( I am so mad, Suyeong was crying.

Good news! (spoilers)
Taeseung’s not manipulating Sooyoung+genuinely cares about him. Here's the summaries for ch 37-38:

spoilers for Ai-Chibi
I get what you’re saying. Even though it doesn’t seem practical, I do think it was important that he trusted Sooyoung when he himself agreed/promised to avoid dangerous situations.
It's also clear that Taeseung had concerns about potential risks and took action: He decided the best way to keep Sooyoung safe from danger (while respecting his wishes) was to have Sang-cheol keep watch and protect SY/deal with any threats. The question for me is why didn’t Sang-cheol follow his orders?

Ishuca, could be wrong but here's my take (spoilers):
Tbh I think if it was just up to him, Taeseung would have preferred Sooyoung to stay by his side 24/7 until things were dealt with. The problem was he knows SY would probably never agree to that given his character.
SY’s a former boxer and complete badass. He’s the 2nd strongest fighter in the series (after TS) and in other ch’s he's been shown to be more than capable of handling himself (w characters like now-deceased-gangster guy+ the drunk at the bar). Even though he has moments of vulnerability due to his past, he’s never been the weak, passive type and firmly rejects the idea that he needs to be saved by some white knight.
TS picks up on this pretty early on and is one of the few (maybe only) character/s who ends up treating him as an equal. They both had difficult upbringings and (in their own ways) fought hard to become strong+gain respect, which is why TS understands the importance of these things for SY.
That's why TS ordered Sang-cheol to keep an eye on things. He took all those factors into account and decided it would be the best way to keep SY safe without undermining him. Despite the fact that SY ended up breaking his promise and getting hurt, the trust that’s been built up between them has been a key aspect of the relationship in S1. Rather than put that at risk, TS’s decision to trust SY was important for both characters development.
However next season, I’m hoping the two of them learn from what happened and Sooyoung NEVER has to go through that again!!! ╥﹏╥

Oh definitely, like I said it's just my take on things!
Just wanna add tho: just bc Sooyoung made Taeseung promise he'd keep his distance didn't mean TS was going to sit back and do nothing. He ordered his right-hand man to keep watch over SY. By doing that, he thought 1) SY would be protected and 2) he wouldn't break his side of the agreement/lose SY's trust.
I read up to chap 38, yall gone hate Taesung(seme), my poor and kind Suyeong :((((((