so yeah, this was supposed to be yaoi but was changed for the demographic but damn. i am g...

anonberry May 24, 2015 10:43 am

so yeah, this was supposed to be yaoi but was changed for the demographic but damn. i am getting yaoi vibes with undertaker and vincent. hahahah, he is just too hot really

    Anonymous May 24, 2015 11:50 am

    Ikr :c

    Lightasus May 24, 2015 4:31 pm

    This wasn't supposed to be a yaoi. That's just some rumor that took intense proportions.
    She was already writing shonen with RustBlaster, and of course she was going to continue publishing in the same magazine, which is a shonen one by the way. How could someone believe they could even consider publishing yaoi in there?
    She just used to write yaoi way before that, so she does know how to make the vibes happen ehe.

    T June 10, 2015 7:49 pm
    This wasn't supposed to be a yaoi. That's just some rumor that took intense proportions.She was already writing shonen with RustBlaster, and of course she was going to continue publishing in the same magazine, ... Lightasus

    It was supposed to be yaoi sorry. I don't know why she would change like that and stop to like/make yaoi, please it makes me laugh. But I'm agree that yaoi hasn't a place in the manga, but the ship is "canon" even if it looks less gay in the manga but I think sensei knows what she is doing. She is a yaoi mangaka and I don't think she woke up someday like 'oh I don't like yaoi/ I will stop to make yaoi". Anyway, don't take it as an attack of course lol! I was kinda pissed off because of some haters so I'm sorry if this is rude.

    Lightasus June 10, 2015 10:04 pm
    It was supposed to be yaoi sorry. I don't know why she would change like that and stop to like/make yaoi, please it makes me laugh. But I'm agree that yaoi hasn't a place in the manga, but the ship is "canon" e... @T

    She's not a yaoi mangaka anymore. Sorry, it happened when she began to be pulished in in a Monthly GFantasy (shonen magazine) a decade ago. Actually her career as a yaoi mangaka was quite short, most of what she's done before was doujinshi in her spare time.
    Though she knows how to use her experience appropriately 8)

    Lightasus June 12, 2015 12:56 pm

    I mean, I'm not even against the idea neither do I dislike the shippings, it just doesn't logically work. Yana even explained how she got the idea in a bonus page, if you've ever bought the books (I'm assuming people do not...). People just trust about anything they read on the Internet don't they.
    That person summed it up quite well in any case:

    Lightasus June 12, 2015 1:01 pm

    Rumor probably came from this years ago, and it's hilarious x):

    ANN June 21, 2015 5:18 am

    Same here! hahaha