Am I the only one who's absolutely heartbroken by the 'actual' Libertia's story?

deli October 31, 2020 12:40 pm

Am I the only one who's absolutely heartbroken by the 'actual' Libertia's story? She never wanted to become the villainess neither did she ever try harming the people around her. She was forced to take the role of the role of the villainess ever since she was born.

"My lady,I had no one to love me even when I did nothing."
"People called me the villain ever since I was born."

She was forced to walk down the path her mother created for her; hence like a puppet she played the role of a 'Perfect villainess'. It was the predejuce that made her abandon her happiness (not like it ever existed to begin with).

A child abandoned by her father, and the ones around her. She was someone who was never loved nor befriended, making her live a life of solitude.

There was no one there who'd sympathize with the pain she was going through. Technically she was never alive to begin with, she was dead from the day she took her first breath to the last. She was never loved. She was never cared for be it her mother, father or a friend she could truly call her own. She suffered and fell to her demise, but at the cost of what? Nothing.

She died at the hands of her 'brother', even though she was going to die anyways it was surely an unfulfilling death. She knew she'd die but in the end she didn't want to die as a 'lunatic'. So she chose to play along with fate, hence letting others mold her into someone who was born from pure evil.

Even when the MC asked if she wanted her to get her revenge, she said she wanted nothing like that. Rather than living like how she once had she told the MC to live 'freely'. Sadly 'Freedom' was something Libertia never had. Be it in the palace she grew up in, or even the world outside. She was a slave of her misery, and a product of society.

Even through the memories she scattered for the MC to find, she wasn't seen smiling even once. Even in the recent chapters when she was running through the field of grass she didn't laugh, because even in that moment of freedom she knew it wouldn't last long. Rather than being joyous, she was determined.

Ever since she was a child she was treated as if unwanted. Like mannequin made of ice, she never laughed, she never smiled neither did she ever enjoy. She played her role well, as the ice princess. She was calm and collected, always well-poised. However she was accused of henious crimes that she'd never even imagined of committing.

It's a given she never spilled blood, more over never once discriminated the ones under her, yet when her life slipped through her fingers like pouring sand no one cried for her. Not even once, did anyone truly love her. All everyone did was torment her, and all she did was quietly suffer.

She was the true victim, one who suffered in the shadows of her mother, one who never received her fathers love, one who lived in isolation and one who was defamed by the society.

    Devil-chan October 31, 2020 12:56 pm

    i cried reading this

    Rae October 31, 2020 12:59 pm

    Exactly, I'm always thinking it would have been better to make the princess go back to the past and fix her life rather than have someone else live her life while she just dies in vain, I want her to be happy

    Acie Spade October 31, 2020 1:02 pm

    Exactly. She didn't want it. I hope her soul will be find peace

    Mikasakura October 31, 2020 1:11 pm


    radish October 31, 2020 2:16 pm

    uwuwu shed a tear or two

    shamanmo October 31, 2020 2:30 pm

    oh damn, here comes the water works

    deli October 31, 2020 2:31 pm
    i cried reading this Devil-chan

    my heart aches for Libertia

    deli October 31, 2020 2:32 pm
    Exactly. She didn't want it. I hope her soul will be find peace Acie Spade

    may her soul rest in peace