It's literally rape.

Blinkpink October 31, 2020 5:58 am

Let me say something to you who is like "Oh is just a manga blablabla", you reading or watching things with rape, drugging, pedophilia, etc you are supporting people who did this and with this you are making this shit being big, with more people drawing it(writing, etc) and with this you are normalizing it, the more when watch/read this, more our brain will recognise this being normal(it's just logical you can google it too). And be honest, you are just sexualizing gay people, it's disgusting and disrespectful with the gay community. Just think about what are you doing, if you want to feel hot and masturbate, just read something less problematic, think with your brain, you have it, use it

    hnw-βℓღ November 1, 2020 4:14 am

    By your logic, then if someone enjoys reading straight hentai with rape in it then they're fetishizing straight people? Come on, use your brain, this is fiction. Same thing with people enjoying horror movies, it doesn't mean they don't condone murder irl. Not our fault you're dumb to the point you can't differentiate fiction from reality.

    ann73uxis November 1, 2020 4:34 am

    who is supporting what? It’s a literal drawing, how would I get mad a something that’s 2D? use ur brain tf ur basically saying if I like gore I’m condoning murder cuz I don’t tf. If u have a problem with the fact that it’s sexualising gay ppl it’s literally a yaoi one shot, in yaoi stories there’s better plot and development in them than of the ones in straight romances. Second of all if you have a problem with the rape in a a FICTIONAL story don’t fucking read it it has it in the title

    Blinkpink November 3, 2020 3:27 am

    I will not take back anything that I had say, you commenting this will not changing anything at all, and yes, you reading and replying with "Omg, so hot", "it's wrong but I like it", make people wrote more this things, and YES when I said when you read/watch something that put rape, pedophilia, etc normal, your brain you take it as NORMAL, and again, just google it. In Japan every single day has a case of rape, and guess what?? There is one of the most place's with rape normalized, also pedophilia. Yes you guys who thinks this is normal is disgusting, YES it's not normal, it's NOT just a manga, YES you are sexualizing gay relationship (I can't even say it's a relationship). Again, just google it, you have technology, use it, it's the same thing in porn, when people see incest they think it's normal, it's not my opinion, JUST GOOGLE IT, if don't want to, don't waste my time.

    ann73uxis November 3, 2020 4:38 am
    I will not take back anything that I had say, you commenting this will not changing anything at all, and yes, you reading and replying with "Omg, so hot", "it's wrong but I like it", make people wrote more this... Blinkpink

    your wasting your own time. I read shit like this because I want to I don’t find it attractive or hit it’s just a way to eat away at my time. I’m not saying this is meant to be normal because as a VICTIM of assault I know it’s not. But if you’re going to come at people for their own personal preferences don’t read it. Don’t come at people for doing their own thing. I’ll do my thing do you do yours

    Akira November 4, 2020 12:20 pm
    I will not take back anything that I had say, you commenting this will not changing anything at all, and yes, you reading and replying with "Omg, so hot", "it's wrong but I like it", make people wrote more this... Blinkpink

    -"Just google it" lmao ur the one who wants to prove something yet you cant even provide a single citation to back up your claim and you want us to do the work??

    - why tf are you singling out japan?? Also citation?? Xenophobia uwu

    - pretty fucking disgusting for u to imply that me reading shota porn means i support the person who abused me when i was a kid.

    hnw-βℓღ November 7, 2020 4:48 am

    These two responses above me just proves that you really don't know what you're talking about. Don't like it? Ignore it and let people be, they're not causing any harm.

    PeaceFujoshi November 8, 2020 10:04 am

    Anothar argue about rape *sigh* dont mind me i'll just enjoy the drama (=・ω・=)

    berryvicen November 8, 2020 4:52 pm

    yow wtf do you mean that we support rape, drugging, pedophelia etc....... i dont know about y'all but we know our limits, just because we read and like this kinda shit doesn't mean we want this happening in real life. when will you guys stop this issue? its so fucking irritating, just because we read and liked this doesn't meN we want someone irl to be raped or something. sERIOUSLY THOUGH, WHAT DO Y'ALL THINK OF US?, i was gonna ignore this comment but not today. LASTLY, WE ARE NOT FUCKING STUPID TO NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REAL LIFE AND A FICTION, MAYBE YOU DONT KNOW BUT WE DO. WE KNOW OUR BOUNDARIES, WE KNOW WHEN TO STOP. WE ARE NOT SUPPORTING IT OKAY PLS, JUST STFU.

    berryvicen November 8, 2020 4:54 pm

    its just a fuckin manga, why take it so seriously. jfc.

    PeaceFujoshi November 28, 2020 12:41 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Jaehyunjustwantssomemilk

    BRO we arent making any excuses and whatnot. We NEVER said we support rape, We NEVER said rape is good,NOONE EVER said that complimenting what WE like to read is supporting, yeah we compliment it but Its OUR OWN opinion and perspective. The title already has a fucking word 'rape' written in it, why the fuck even read it if you dislike this sort of things and accusing people on serious things. And that is just deadass rude. I wanted to step in cuz this is just so fuckinggg stupid! A phrase 2 all "IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, DONT READ IT"

    PeaceFujoshi November 28, 2020 6:49 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Jaehyunjustwantssomemilk

    Wow! HOLY SHIT!? What your saying is just DEADASS offensive. Can you please FUCKING say what i replied that WE ARENT SUPPORTING ANYTHING. Yeah we like this shitty stuff and thats on READING and ART(in my opinion) WE DONT FUCKING SUPPORT IT IN REAL LIFE EVENTS!! Why keep twisting my words when you cant even fucking understand what im trying to say. "Rape lovers" So you call that NOT RUDE?? We probably look disgusting creatures to you but saying that we support rape is just so fucking rude! Yeah people say "this is hot" "this is just fictional" IF YOU JUST GIVE IT A GOOD UNDERSTANDING. We are saying that this is fictional because IT IS WHAT IT IS!!! Some people here just wants some hot erotic kinda manga, it means they have different perspectives when they read bl manga but just because the plot is entirely rape doesnt mean they fucking support the ACTUAL rape in REAL LIFE. Fictional AND real life is two different fucking things so you cant just say that "if we like reading rape mangas and complimenting it, means we support the rapist, etc." Thats why we fucking repeat this ALL OVER AGAIN because ITS THE ACTUAL REASON. We dont go around and arguing with people about just a simple phrase but some of you are just so fucking rude, if you just take a damn second to understand what we meant to say then you wont be accusing us of supporting rape and all of that shit. AND if you didnt actually read it then just dont give out comments of accusations of people reading this stuff of supporting rape. Yeah im a 12 year old and what you just said is a fucking rude deadass insult to me as a human.

    PeaceFujoshi November 28, 2020 6:58 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Jaehyunjustwantssomemilk

    Call me "hypocrite" "immature" all you want, i just want to point out and defend these people of your accusations of supporting rape. If you just wanted to warn us, you dont need to as @berryvicen already said, we have boundaries and we arent stupid little chicks to actually support this kind of stuff. I stand on my defense, you can argue with me all you want and i'll reply with the same thing. "We arent supporting rape"