
riku October 30, 2020 4:06 pm

i can’t believe toxic scans is fucking trying to make profit out of someone else’s work plz read this power point someone has made off of them!Aq447AyEtm-SjH7fPHk821E_O2yy?e=GEdbrz

    bakubabe October 30, 2020 4:12 pm

    thank you for spreading this. i had no idea that they were doing stuff like that

    homiesexuals October 30, 2020 4:14 pm

    i've never seen so many slurs in one place, nor such heinous amounts of disrespect and violence

    Wildnesswolf October 30, 2020 4:14 pm

    i would agree to everything besides the CP allegations which are idiotic. This characters are not real, it is not CP and calling it that is an offense to us CSA survivors.

    homiesexuals October 30, 2020 4:17 pm
    i would agree to everything besides the CP allegations which are idiotic. This characters are not real, it is not CP and calling it that is an offense to us CSA survivors. Wildnesswolf

    I cannot speak for CSA survivors, but I can say by technicality any depiction of pornography that involves minors is considered CP, whether the characters are real or not.

    Nyx October 30, 2020 4:18 pm

    Woah, this scan is really bad. That's it, I'm not reading more dear door until i have enough money to buy from the og author or other scan uploads it.

    grassj October 30, 2020 4:20 pm

    Thank you so much for brining this to light. It's better to not get scanlations at all then to get them from these mfs jesus christ....

    riku October 30, 2020 4:23 pm
    Woah, this scan is really bad. That's it, I'm not reading more dear door until i have enough money to buy from the og author or other scan uploads it. Nyx

    yes yes thank you please try to push everyone to pls support the author and i’ve seen so many scanners try to ask for money so that they can get profit off of the authors work and if you do see any more scanners do this plz go to there funding site and report it ~

    homiesexuals October 30, 2020 4:29 pm
    i would agree to everything besides the CP allegations which are idiotic. This characters are not real, it is not CP and calling it that is an offense to us CSA survivors. Wildnesswolf

    let me apologize, i'm really rattled at the possibility of having consumed copious amounts of high school bl possibly being considered as cp and it makes me genuinely sick and horrified. you're right, i overstepped.

    clownery October 30, 2020 4:38 pm

    um it says the link doesn't exist.. may I know what it says? thank you

    riku October 30, 2020 4:41 pm
    um it says the link doesn't exist.. may I know what it says? thank you clownery

    oh wow that’s weird i checked it and it says it’s not working anymore

    riku October 30, 2020 4:44 pm
    um it says the link doesn't exist.. may I know what it says? thank you clownery

    oh nvm it says there working on the problem rn it’s not my power point so idk if the creator took it down or the website is just not working

    AB. October 30, 2020 4:44 pm

    the link doesn’t exist. whats is happening? what is cp?

    TheeAsianPotato October 30, 2020 5:13 pm

    Its says the file doesn't exist there anymore. Can someone plz tell me what it was about?

    Rameu October 30, 2020 5:13 pm
    the link doesn’t exist. whats is happening? what is cp? AB.

    Cp is short for TW child p-rn

    Littleyon October 30, 2020 5:15 pm

    I hope I liked it

    Wildnesswolf October 31, 2020 3:14 pm
    I cannot speak for CSA survivors, but I can say by technicality any depiction of pornography that involves minors is considered CP, whether the characters are real or not. homiesexuals

    it is not. Like literally by law, only something depicting real children , children that exist, count as CP. The only rights fictional characters have is copyrights

    Wildnesswolf October 31, 2020 3:16 pm
    let me apologize, i'm really rattled at the possibility of having consumed copious amounts of high school bl possibly being considered as cp and it makes me genuinely sick and horrified. you're right, i overste... homiesexuals

    please do not feel like that. Highschool BL/GL or even straight content is not CP in any way as there are no real children involved and it is dictated so by law.
    Fictional characters do not have rights, their ages are arbitrary. Enjoy whatever you want cuz u aint hurting anyone
