Super cute!!

Mameiha May 22, 2015 2:38 am

This is a great "light" read. The story is quick but not rushed. The conflicts are simple and resolved sweetly. I recommend this as a "palette cleanser" after any sad or "heavy" yaoi.
My favorite part was in the "extra" when Neko threw the cat at the french guy...I laughed so hard!!

    Mameiha December 18, 2017 5:24 am

    Back again after two and a half years. Can't get enough of this couple. Still find this story sweet and charming.

    Mameiha August 20, 2018 5:20 am

    Another 8 months and I'm back again. LOL And the extra where Neko throws the cats still cracks me up. He responds with such aplomb! As if it were the most natural thing to do. I actually have my own neko who does this too, but mine is the furry kind. He will cuddle with me and if anyone, including my husband, gets too close he bites them and then looks at them like, "What?! You deserved it, she's mine." Oh, Baba, you naughty baka neko! LMAO