Wait, have I got it right what this manga is about....? S P O I L E R A L E R T First he i...

Nana May 21, 2015 7:37 pm

Wait, have I got it right what this manga is about....?
First he insults her, she hits him, he apologizes, she forgives him.
He insults her again, he apologizes, she
forgives him again.
Sexy time, she needs to go to school, he has a tantrum like a five year old kid, she leaves, she then APOLOGIZES FOR GOING TO SCHOOL!?
No one insults each other, she runs away, he proposes, they marry.
That guy is a total jackassed kid in a mans body. The woman is stupid to go along with him too.

    Luna November 2, 2015 11:10 pm

    Oh god do I agree with you!
    I'm sure you'd agree with me that you would walk right past him in the hall way and not even go out with him period?
    I'd go directly to the staff and get my damn stereo thank you very much.
    I really hate it the most that when he kissed her she didn't even get mad. I would have left right there if it was me. Then again I wouldn't be in the car anyway so it wouldn't have been an issue.

    Laughobsessed101 June 8, 2018 1:22 am

    I feel like she changed so drastically that it's completely unbelievable and I'm sorry to be a Debbie downer but you shouldn't expect people to change because you love them. That's stupid! You should fall in love with who they are and ALL IF WHO THEY ARE. If you don't then you're in a relationship that's doomed to fail

    Anonymous December 30, 2018 11:00 am

    I really hated when he found out that she's virgin and he thought she was trapping him. WTF? How??? If I was her friend and find out this out, I wouldn't let her stay in the same room with him.

    I do agreed that she changed so much while that guy's still whiny baby!