I had to take my cats to the vet today and one of my cats needs to be taken to the other room because she was not letting the doctor take the shot that she needed. I heard my cat scream, hiss and growl from the other room, the faint sound of someone you care about screaming in the other room. It scared me, I ended up crying.

aw man dude i've been feeling the exact same way for quite some time, it s u c k s. i can't really say much without sounding like a hypocrite but you seem like a super cool person. i do i think i'd be happy to know you irl, so just be careful and please take care of yourself. ^^ i dont really know a lot about this site and if there's a messenger in it but if so, feel free to contact me if you want to talk about literally anything. i'd really love to hear about how you're doing. :))

aw man, i'm so sorry :( i dont know the site well and i'm not sure if there's a messenger or something included, but if there is and you feel comfortable with it, i'd be happy to hear you out if you wanted to vent or just talk. sometimes i'll bake cookies or make hot chocolate and just sit in my room for a bit to cheer myself up. granted the area i live in already has snow, but maybe doing something of the like would help cheer you up too, or will even help to forget about everything for a little while.

awww thank you. I’m just stressed out with my family. THey’re always depending on me to do their work for them and I’m extremely stressed. Then, they always get mad at me and make me cry, threaten me or even take away my precious things. Last night I had an argument with my dad because he always discourages my little sister and calls her stupid and useless. Then he calls my mother stupid and tells her that’s she can’t do anything. I’m just extremely tired. I do have my yaoi and sketchbook to cope with though! Thank you for your concern.

i'm really sorry to hear that. i know very well how stressful an environment like that can be, especially considering that it's your family. know that it's not fair of them to treat you like that; nobody deserves to hear and feel those kind of things. please make sure to take care of yourself! you matter too. haha, we love yaoi and sketching. don't forget to take time just for yourself. please have a good day ^^
i don't really know why i'm writing this, but to whoever may read: how are you, truly? i feel like people don't genuinely ask this a lot and i care about how you are all doing. :)