My personal belief is that there is nothing after death. Maybe dying is scary to me, but the state of being dead feels comforting to me. I don't want to be alive forever. Just to stop existing seems like a peaceful experience.
Whatever your beliefs are, death is something inevitable. One can even think of it as a next step, not necessarily the end. Maybe not existing anymore is another step in a journey. There's no point thinking or worrying about it too much. When it comes, it comes, and there's nothing any of us can do about it. Just enjoy your time being alive, and experience life how you want.
You're probably not gonna die any time soon. Just enjoy moments, make memories, ect. Listening to music also relaxes a lot. If it gets worse talk to your parents and try talking about the problem and don't go through it alone. Therapists are also there if you need help. Venting to people also helps, but you might need to get help if it gets severe. Good luck!
Yeah, getting old is really scary because the organism stops working as good as it did. Yesterday I was just talking to my friend about Dementia and Multiple sclerosis and how scary it is to slowly start to forget things about yourself and about people that are close to you. My gradma had sclerosis and she completely forgot about me and was really hostile and aggressive towards me, but was nice to my mom and my sister. I stopped coming to her after that because I couldn´t stand it. It is really scary what it can do to your brain.
Does anyone her have like a fear of death. Cause I'm getting anxiety attacks because of this fear and how do you guys overcome it. I just want to see if there are people on the same page as me... I guess :-