You DO realize that there are so many people criticizing and hating on 365 Days, right? Just search up “365 days review” on YouTube and you can see that a huge majority doesn’t like it, so using that as an example of 3D porn that’s acceptable isn’t a good idea :/ Pornography can be enjoyed without including rape scenarios, you know

some people giving reviews can’t compare to how much people watched it and liked it . U guys make it look like a sinn lol . Judge urself stop judging what others are doing , it’s legal for adults to watch that content . Sexual content is only for entertainment , sexual pleasure that’s all . Other than that do u know how much porn industry makes ? U can not even imagine , the kind of content they put up . That is a big problem , some 2d porn hentai isn’t , every year girls gettrafficed or forced into porn that’s the problem , but if u talk about problems there r plenty more and it’s everywhere . U might not understand this as a woman but it’s like a fantasy fetish type pleasure u get watching such things . It doesn’t mean u go rape it’s just fantasy , nothing more , rape situation aren’t also like how they portray here that the girl is ok afterwards she don’t even go to police try to escape etc cry even , u. Can’t call this rape . It’s fantasy not rape . U think a girl gets like that after rape ?

Bruh, it’s not about 20 or 50 reviews that criticized it, it’s THOUSANDS of them. It’s completely fine to watch and read porn, many adults and teens are awakening their sexual desires and that’s normal. But depictions of rape like this makes people desensitized on the issue and you don’t know that some disgusting men would use pornography that showed children or non-consenting situations to groom a child. You can say that I’m making this up, but you can search that for yourself. Just because it’s fiction, doesn’t mean it can’t do any harm. It’s still exploiting serious issues, just like 3D porn. So saying that “it’s hentai, deal with it” is really dismissive, especially you treat the people arguing with you like immature little girls.
What’s wrong with people being like:
“Oh, I love you, I want to have sex with you”
“Me too”
Yeah, the example I gave is grossly simplified, but it doesn’t hurt for people to consent :/

then explain why child pornography is illegal? BECAUSE IT’S RAPE AND WRONG to be watching it and worse to actually enjoy it. i know you are one of the bunch who gets off of woman getting rape or forced, and stop trying to justify your twisted fantasy. this is not enjoyable for any sane person or woman. this is why hentai is so bad, they always include rape scenarios to please old perverted scumbags or pedophiles. stop trying to justify their sick mindset, we have every right to complain about shit that should not suppose to be normalised. that’s why so many women get sexually harassed/ raped because little boys consumed this type of horrible “fantasy” and thinks it’s ok as long as the girl is wet even if she say no so many times.

Hello, I completely agree with you. Everyone is making you the bad guy when really it’s just people judging and twisting your words. I’m a girl myself and I may have not completely liked this hentai, but for people who do like this, it can make comments like what other people have been saying. Make them feel terrible and hurt for liking this. When really who are we to judge. When it comes down to it we are all human race. As long as people don’t go the extra mile of actually doing something like raping another person. Then it’s a ok.
Wow people just can’t take a normal hentai lol. They should then never consider going to sites like h*ntai ha*en etc . So many problems I think in coming years people would have to go to darkweb for stuff like this. 3d ok but 2d not ok that’s why 365 days is still on trending no? They just can’t accept the fact that people like this shit . I mean u can feel more humane that u don’t like this if that’s what u want but don’t judge .