sweet poison.....

Ibara May 20, 2015 8:12 pm

I think it's a reality check because every story doesn't have fairy tale ending,it's heart wrenching and sad yet beautifully done he deserves better than that coward (╬ ̄皿 ̄)
who can stand with him forever!!!

    Relakuma May 20, 2015 8:40 pm

    i agree with everything you said, except for the coward part, i don't think he was a coward, he had enough balls to confess in high school, and then enough balls to prevent anymore future pain. plus, he was probably in love with his wife, and the emotions of his first love just took over for that day. its like you will never forget your first love, but it doesn't mean you still love them in the same way type of thing, probably xD
    but yea, i think he did the right thing :D

    dan90zum May 20, 2015 9:49 pm
    i agree with everything you said, except for the coward part, i don't think he was a coward, he had enough balls to confess in high school, and then enough balls to prevent anymore future pain. plus, he was pro... Relakuma

    I think he acted a little bit cowardly... When he confessed, he didn't gave to the uke the opportunity to anwer... And the fact that he had sex with him just because maybe he was his first love and didn't meet before and felt like it in the moment... that's even more kind of a coward... adding the fact that he loves his family (maybe?)

    dan90zum May 20, 2015 9:50 pm
    I think he acted a little bit cowardly... When he confessed, he didn't gave to the uke the opportunity to anwer... And the fact that he had sex with him just because maybe he was his first love and didn't meet... dan90zum

    But I do think it's a great manga!!!

    Relakuma May 20, 2015 10:15 pm
    I think he acted a little bit cowardly... When he confessed, he didn't gave to the uke the opportunity to anwer... And the fact that he had sex with him just because maybe he was his first love and didn't meet... dan90zum

    whaaat, i feel the exact opposite xD i think it took so much courage to confess to someone who doesn't really know you, and yea, he didn't wait for a reply from the uke, but the uke could have done something too, but well, its none of their faults, they were shy high school boys :3
    and the part where they had sex because they haven't met in a while, i'd just like to add that the uke was the one to actually initiate it, so it was mutual, the uke wanted it, so it wasn't just the seme having sex with his first love as he felt like it in the moment, it was both of them wanting to have sex because they both felt like it.
    but yea, i don't know, i think its just the word "coward" used, its really harsh >.<
    i think this was one of those manga's that just doesn't have a happy ending i guess. But i think it was awesome! the ending was really good, i like that it isn't like most yaoi's.

    dan90zum May 20, 2015 10:27 pm

    I don't know... I would like to read the story from his perspective (which is imposible. . I know). But I think he didn't consider the other party's feelings.. just his...

    dan90zum May 20, 2015 10:38 pm
    whaaat, i feel the exact opposite xD i think it took so much courage to confess to someone who doesn't really know you, and yea, he didn't wait for a reply from the uke, but the uke could have done something to... Relakuma

    Well, I think they were friends in high school... and the uke was the one who initiated it... but the seme had biggest responsibility (he's married). But I don't know... I would like to read the story from his perspective (which is imposible... I know). But I think he didn't consider the other party's feelings.. just his...

    Relakuma May 21, 2015 6:58 pm
    Well, I think they were friends in high school... and the uke was the one who initiated it... but the seme had biggest responsibility (he's married). But I don't know... I would like to read the story from his ... dan90zum

    yea, as you said, he had the biggest responsibility, so that's why i thought he did the right thing by not starting a relationship with the uke, so i believe he is not a coward. but yea, i guess in the heat of the moment when they reunited, things just happened, and speaking from real life perspective, it was not the best idea to have done that since both of them new about the marriage and stuff.

    dan90zum May 22, 2015 1:38 pm
    yea, as you said, he had the biggest responsibility, so that's why i thought he did the right thing by not starting a relationship with the uke, so i believe he is not a coward. but yea, i guess in the heat of ... Relakuma

    You're right! I don't even think they should have had a relationship... What pisses me off is the fact that the seme never allowed the uke to express his feelings. That's why (I think) the uke is full of regret... and that is so sad... it was his first experience in love...

    Relakuma May 22, 2015 5:36 pm
    You're right! I don't even think they should have had a relationship... What pisses me off is the fact that the seme never allowed the uke to express his feelings. That's why (I think) the uke is full of regret... dan90zum

    ahh, yes! that part where he didn't let the uke finish speaking, i found that rude. i wish he had heard him out and then explain to the uke why they shouldn't be together. although, i bet he didn't let the uke finish because it would have shaken his resolve about leaving the uke.
    haaaah~ if only he hadn't gotten married xD