Bro Imagine getting caught with your fucking cheeks spread hole-ready for entrance by a fucking (Hot) STRANGER and helps your horny ass out like, what do you even do?
A) Say thank you and ask for his number.
B) Say, "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK" call the police, and fucking sonic your way out of there.
C) Be too emberassed to say anything cause you're socially awkward and just silently scream in your head.
D) Slap that bitch, beat him up, and send him to jail.
E) Uno Reverse Card that bitch and spread HIS cheeks instead.
Bro Imagine getting caught with your fucking cheeks spread hole-ready for entrance by a fucking (Hot) STRANGER and helps your horny ass out like, what do you even do?
A) Say thank you and ask for his number.
B) Say, "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK" call the police, and fucking sonic your way out of there.
C) Be too emberassed to say anything cause you're socially awkward and just silently scream in your head.
D) Slap that bitch, beat him up, and send him to jail.
E) Uno Reverse Card that bitch and spread HIS cheeks instead.