why tho

AliSama October 29, 2020 1:55 pm

was there really a need to have her eye thing go away? i think whatever ml she got with would be more satisfying if they didnt focus only on her looks, i mean look at todoroki and zuko ffs

    King Yuro November 9, 2020 6:10 am

    Its seems they burned her because of her eyes(it was probably right before they were going to kill her). She didn't wear the mask because of the burn from the young age but from her eyes...

    Whyisthishappening November 14, 2020 4:55 pm
    Its seems they burned her because of her eyes(it was probably right before they were going to kill her). She didn't wear the mask because of the burn from the young age but from her eyes... King Yuro

    Yep, the burn wasn't the problem. It was the eyes themselves that brought hate.