Well remember when Dan-I went back to her old world for a day? I’m not sure if she was wishing that she want back but then regretted it but if she did wish to go back maybe then she goes back but like forever I still don’t understand why they have to forget about her though all the author needs to do is give her some character development cuz rn she’s mad insecure

wow this all just sounds like a lot of unnecessary drama and complication ... not sure I like how things will turn out :/ how do you build the story on their friendship and bond and then end with taking that away from them? and how do you build so much on blue haired dude as ML and then go with someone else as endgame ( ̄へ ̄)i hope the manga will go a different route and don't follow the novel completely because that just sounds like a headache. thank you for the spoilers!

I'll spoil even more, beware that this is huge spoiler about why the author did all that so read at your own risk
So the black hair/blue hair actually die. He protects Dani from a accident and dies, so she drowned on guilty and was able to go back to her own world, where she pleaded to be erased from their lifes to make sure that dude would survive. And the author complied with her request.
But I think that was actually dumb?? Because she goes back to middle school, nobody knows her and them she tries to befriend them again and become a important figure in their lifes. Which should take them again to that dude death, but it didn't.
We know that Dani's endgame will be Eun Jiho but how about Ban Yeoryong? Anyone knows?