I like the story so far however the Libyans werent drawn in the right way... they didnt lo...

ladyvamp October 28, 2020 11:04 pm

I like the story so far however the Libyans werent drawn in the right way... they didnt look like that at all (Libyans was the name of the people of North Africa -from morrocco to Algeria Tunisia and Libya and some parts of Maly add to that the Canari Islands, Sicily and Malta and alot of other islands) First of all they didnt dress like Egyptians or Arabs or middle easterns.. they dressed in colorful clothes with alot of Jewelry and they had alot of tattoos all over their bodies.. secondly they didnt look brown or arab at that time , they were either black or white ( there were alot of tribes in North Africa , they respected each other however they rarely married outside their tribes so they didnt get their races mixed yet at that time).. Third and Finally Libyans never made a war in their history unless the ennemy moved first and its simply because they didnt have one ruler of that huge space and they didnt have an official army and they never followed orders unless they felt a great threat and a great need to unite and fight.

    vajavana January 26, 2021 6:11 pm

    i really dont like how this is ancient egypt and yet theyre all white too. i just pretend this is not egypt when i read but i seriously cant continue. something about the immersion is lacking big time